Here are the next steps...
Thanks for your purchase at The Merry Mage and for supporting my work!
- In the next 6 hours, Kate will email you your username and password for
- There is this delay because she needs to manually set-up each account. Usually you get your access information in less than 2 hours.
- Once you've logged in, you'll be able to access your purchase automatically.
- Do not try to login and please do not cancel your membership before receiving the welcome email with your login information. It's coming, please just be patient!
- If you haven't gotten it in 6 hours, the email might have been bounced by your email service. Please email Kate at to ask for your login, which will also whitelist her email for you.
NOTE: Only Active Memberships retain full access to the site.
If you cancel your membership, you will lose access to all the series (with the exception of A Free Elf Series).
I've had to do this to prevent 'content skimmers', where people sign-up and immediately cancel. That's not the purpose of this membership.
To be fair to those supporting this site as ongoing members, full access is reserved only for active members.
(Note: Lifetime members always retain full site access no matter what since there are no recurring payments).
Let me know if you have any questions and keep an eye out for the email!
Thanks again!
- Nick (The Merry Mage)