Tashi Duncan | Challengers

Tashi's Grand Slam

Featuring: Tashi Duncan, Patrick, and Art

My sincere request: Please don't share these publicly

My goal is to do this work full-time, so I can share more of this fantasy art that I love with you.

But if people post my artwork and videos for free, it makes it very difficult for me to make a living.

Please help keep this community alive and refrain from sharing the member's only content.

Thank you!!!

- Nick (the artist behind The Merry Mage)

Tashi sighed as she tossed her clothes into the locker, trying to clear her mind and focus on the upcoming match. But images from last night kept intruding - the softness of Patrick's lips, the roughness of Art's stubble as she kissed them both. A shiver ran through her that had nothing to do with the cool air on her skin.

She headed for the showers, her bare feet padding on the tile. As the hot water cascaded over her lithe form, Tashi closed her eyes and let out a slow breath. She reached for the soap and began to lather up, her hands gliding over her toned arms and shoulders.

Her fingers traced the curves of her body as she washed, lingering perhaps longer than necessary. She couldn't help imagining other hands on her skin - Patrick's strong grip, Art's gentle touch. The fantasy of being with both of them at once flashed through her mind unbidden, making her pulse quicken.

Tashi shook her head, scattering droplets of water. She needed to stay focused on tennis, not get lost in distracting daydreams. But as she rinsed off, she couldn't quite banish the tingling sensation of remembered kisses or the heat pooling low in her belly.

Tashi's hands moved to her chest, massaging the soap over her breasts. The slick friction against her sensitive skin sent pleasant tingles through her body. She felt her nipples begin to stiffen under her palms as arousal built within her.

Her mind drifted back to Patrick and Art, imagining them there with her. In her fantasy, their hands replaced hers, caressing and teasing. She pictured herself sandwiched between their muscular bodies, feeling their warmth pressing against her from both sides.

Tashi's fingers circled lower, trailing across her stomach. Almost unconsciously, she began to rub between her legs, her touch growing more insistent. Soft gasps escaped her parted lips as waves of pleasure radiated outward.

All thoughts of match preparation fled from her mind as she gave herself over to the sensations coursing through her body. The hot water continued to rain down as Tashi leaned against the shower wall, legs trembling slightly as she neared her peak.

Touching herself...
Almost there!

Suddenly she's jolted out of the reverie by a voice quite near her, "Um, need some help there, Tashi?"

She jumps back in shock. Patrick and Art are both standing there, completely naked, with mischievous grins on their faces.

Tashi's heart quickens as she takes in the scene before her. Patrick's lean, muscular form and Art's broader, powerful build fill her vision. Their eyes gleam with a mix of playfulness and desire that sends a shiver down her spine.

"Guys, what are you doing? This is the women's locker room!" Tashi hisses, glancing nervously at the door.

Patrick steps closer, his fingers trailing along her arm. "We wanted to wish you luck before your big match," he murmurs.

Art moves behind her, his breath hot on her neck. "And maybe help you warm up a little," he adds with a husky chuckle.

Tashi's skin tingles at their touch, her body responding despite her better judgment. Their familiar scents - Patrick's citrusy cologne and Art's woodsy aftershave - envelop her, bringing back memories of stolen moments and secret rendezvous.

"I... we can't," she protests weakly, even as she leans into their caresses. "My match is in 10 minutes. I need to focus."

But her resolve wavers as Patrick's lips brush her collarbone and Art's strong hands knead the tension from her shoulders. The thrill of potentially being caught only heightens her arousal.

Tashi closes her eyes. One of the biggest match of her career looms, but the temptation before her is almost irresistible. She knows she should push them away, but her body betrays her, arching into their touch.

Patrick and Art exchange a knowing glance, their hands growing bolder as they caress Tashi's wet skin. Patrick's fingers trace delicate patterns along her sides while Art's palms knead her shoulders. Their touch is electric, igniting sparks of pleasure that dance across her nerves.

Tashi gasps as Patrick's lips find her neck, kissing and nibbling a path down to her collarbone. Art's mouth joins in, trailing hot kisses along her shoulder. Their stubble rasps deliciously against her sensitive skin.

Overwhelmed by sensation, Tashi lets her head fall back. Art captures her lips in a deep, passionate kiss as Patrick's mouth moves lower. His tongue swirls around her nipple before sucking gently. Tashi moans into Art's mouth, her body aflame with desire.

Patrick kneels, his hands sliding down her legs. His tongue flicks out, teasing her most sensitive spots as the shower's spray cascades over them. The dual sensation of hot water and Patrick's skilled mouth on her clit is exquisite torture.

Mad with lust, Tashi tangles her fingers in Patrick's hair, pulling him closer. "Please," she whimpers, "I need you both."

In one fluid motion, they lift her, Patrick's strong arms supporting her thighs. She feels the blunt pressure of his cock as he slowly enters her pussy, filling her completely.

Art's fingers traced delicate patterns over her lower back before dipping lower. He circled her anus teasingly, his touch feather-light. Slowly, so slowly, he pressed a single finger inside of her. Tashi's breath caught at the intrusion, but soon gave way to pleasure as Art worked her open with practiced skill.

When she was ready, Art lined himself up and began to push forward. Tashi whimpered at the stretch, her fingers digging into Patrick's shoulders. Art murmured soothing words as he eased in inch by inch, giving her time to adjust.

Finally, they were fully joined, Tashi sandwiched between their powerful bodies. For a moment, they were still, savoring the intense connection. Then Patrick began to move, setting a languid rhythm. Art matched his pace, the two of them moving in tandem.

Tashi was lost in a haze of sensation. Every thrust sent sparks of pleasure radiating through her. She cried out, overwhelmed by filled so utterly and completely. Her lovers' hands roamed her body, caressing and teasing as they moved within her.

Gradually, their pace increased. Tashi met them thrust for thrust, the coil of pleasure winding tighter and tighter inside her. With a cry, she tumbled over the edge into the most intense climax of her life, as they pumped her full of their hot cum.

Double-stuffed! (Motion Blur)

Tashi slumped against the shower wall, legs trembling as waves of pleasure continued to wash over her. Her mind was hazy, barely able to process the intensity of what had just happened. She felt utterly boneless, completely drained yet gloriously satisfied.

Suddenly, a loud buzzer cut through the fog of her afterglow. "Final call for Tashi Duncan, court 3. Final call for Tashi Duncan."

"Shit," Patrick cursed, carefully withdrawing from her. Art followed suit, their combined release spilling down her thighs.

Before Tashi could react, they scooped her up, one arm under her knees and the other supporting her back. She let out a soft "oof" as they quickly carried her limp form to the lockers.

"Come on Tash, snap out of it," Art urged, grabbing a towel and briskly drying her off. Patrick worked on her hair, tousling it with another towel.

Tashi blinked slowly, trying to clear the pleasurable haze from her mind. "Wha...?" she mumbled, still dazed from the intense experience.

Suddenly, the locker room door creaked open. Patrick and Art exchanged panicked looks before diving behind a row of lockers.

"Hurry Tashi!" Patrick hissed urgently. "You have to get out there!"

Tashi stared at her locker in confusion, cum still trickling down her inner thighs. She grabbed her racket and dashed for the door.

Tashi raced down the hallway, her footsteps echoing off the concrete walls. The world seemed to move in slow motion, her senses still dulled from the intense encounter. Vaguely, she heard Patrick and Art calling after her, their voices muffled and distant as if she were underwater.

"Tashi, wait!"

"You forgot your--"

But their words faded into the background as Tashi focused all her energy on putting one foot in front of the other. Her muscles felt like jelly, still quivering from the aftermath of her powerful orgasm. Each step sent little shockwaves of pleasure through her oversensitized body.

She shook her head, trying to clear the fog from her mind. The match. She had to get to the match. Everything else fell away as that singular thought consumed her.

Tashi rounded the final corner, her bare feet slapping against the cool floor. She could see the bright rectangle of sunlight ahead where the tunnel opened onto the court. The roar of the crowd grew louder with each step, building to a deafening crescendo.

With a final burst of speed, Tashi burst through the door and onto the court. The sudden transition from dim hallway to bright sunshine momentarily blinded her. The roar of the crowd washed over her like a physical force, momentarily drowning out all other sensations.

She blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the sudden sensory overload. As her vision cleared, Tashi became aware of a strange hush falling over the stadium. The roar of the crowd faded to shocked whispers and scattered gasps.

It was then that Tashi felt the warm summer breeze caressing every inch of her bare skin. She looked down in horror, suddenly realizing she was completely naked, her body on full display for the packed stadium and millions of viewers at home.

Her opponent stood frozen on the other side of the net, racket dangling limply from her hand as she stared in wide-eyed disbelief. The umpire's mouth opened and closed soundlessly, at a complete loss for words.

Tashi's face burned with embarrassment as the reality of the situation slowly sank in. She dropped her racket and tried in vain to cover herself with her hands, to shield her nude form from the thousands of eyes locked on her.

Cum dripping down her leg

A hysterical giggle bubbled up in her throat as she thought about how she must look - flushed and trembling, thighs dripping with cum…

Just as Tashi thought she might die of embarrassment on the spot, movement caught her eye. Patrick and Art sprinted onto the court, a blanket clutched between them. In one smooth motion, they wrapped it around her shoulders, shielding her from view.

As they ushered her quickly back toward the tunnel, Tashi caught a glimpse of the enormous screen overlooking the court. Her own stunned face stared back at her, cheeks flaming red with mortification.

The crowd's shocked silence finally broke. A few whistles and catcalls rang out, quickly drowned by raucous laughter and applause. Tashi ducked her head, letting Patrick and Art guide her to safety as her ears burned with humiliation.

As Patrick and Art hurried Tashi back into the tunnel, the commentator's voice boomed over the stadium speakers:

"Well folks, it seems we've witnessed quite the wardrobe malfunction today! I'd say Tashi Duncan just served up an ace in the birthday suit division. No matter how the match goes today, it will be hard to beat that!"

Once safely back in the locker room, Patrick and Art fussed over Tashi like worried mother hens.

"Are you okay?" Patrick asked, his brow furrowed with concern as he rubbed her shoulders through the blanket.

Art rummaged through her locker, pulling out her tennis outfit. "Here, let's get you dressed. Don't worry, we'll figure out some way to explain this."

Tashi stood there in stunned silence for a moment, still processing what had just happened. Then, to everyone's surprise, she burst out laughing.

"Oh my god," she gasped between fits of giggles, "Did you see their faces? I can't believe I just flashed the entire stadium!"

Her laughter was infectious, and soon all three of them were doubled over, tears streaming down their faces.

"Well," Tashi said, wiping her eyes, "I guess that's one way to psych out my opponent."

Still chuckling, she quickly donned her tennis outfit. She took a deep breath, centering herself. The embarrassment faded, replaced by fierce determination.

Racket in hand, Tashi strode back out onto the court, her head held high. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause. She grinned, giving a little wave.

As she took her position, Tashi felt a surge of confidence. She may have bared it all to the world, but now she was going to bare her soul on the court. It was time to play her heart out.