Going Out with Bang

Featuring: Katniss Everdeen (18+)

Katniss's heart pounded as she sprinted through the dense forest, her feet barely making a sound on the damp earth. Shafts of sunlight pierced the canopy, dappling the ground ahead. The scent of pine and moss filled her nostrils. Everything was going according to plan.

She had volunteered to go ahead, to set the trap that would ensnare their enemies. Her allies - Finnick, Johanna, and Beetee - were hanging back, ready to close in once Katniss gave the signal. It was almost too easy. The opposing tributes wouldn't know what hit them.

For a moment, Katniss felt a pang of guilt at the deception. But then she remembered how they had tormented Clara - sweet, innocent Clara who never stood a chance in these brutal Games. The leering looks, the "accidental" touches, the cruel taunts. No, they didn't deserve mercy.

Katniss shook off the momentary doubt and refocused on her task. Just a little further and she'd reach the clearing where she planned to spring the trap. Victory was within reach.

Suddenly, a tremendous force slammed into her side. Katniss went flying, tumbling across the forest floor before coming to a painful stop against the trunk of a massive oak. The world spun as she tried to regain her bearings. Her bow had been knocked from her grasp.

As her vision cleared, Katniss's blood ran cold. Five shadowy figures loomed over her prone form, malicious grins visible even in the dim forest light. How had they known? How had they gotten the drop on her?

Panic set in as Katniss realized she was alone, cut off from her allies, at the mercy of her worst enemies. She had walked right into their trap.

Katniss's mind raced as she stared up at her captors. She recognized their leader - Cato, the brutal Career from District 2. His eyes glinted with sadistic glee as he stepped forward.

"Well, well. Look what we caught in our little snare," Cato sneered. "The Girl on Fire herself."

Katniss's throat went dry, but she forced herself to speak. "Clever trap. I'm impressed you managed to outsmart me."

Cato's eyes narrowed. "Don't patronize me, Twelve. We both know you're the clever one. Always two steps ahead. But not this time."

"You're right," Katniss conceded, her mind frantically calculating. Her allies were at least ten minutes behind. She had to stall. "I underestimated you. That was my mistake."

"Your last mistake," Cato growled, drawing a wicked-looking blade.

Katniss's heart hammered. This was it. Unless...

"Wait," she said, her voice low and husky. She wet her lips, looking up at Cato through lidded eyes. "Before you kill me, don't you want to have some fun first?"

Cato paused, confusion flashing across his face.

Katniss pressed on, desperation lending conviction to her words. "Come on, I know you've thought about it. The fierce Girl on Fire, conquered at last. Wouldn't you like to feel what it's like inside me before you snuff me out?"

She saw uncertainty in the eyes of Cato's companions. Good. Keep them off balance.

"You're just trying to buy time," Cato accused, but there was a flicker of doubt.

"Maybe," Katniss purred. "Or maybe I just want to feel alive one last time before I die. What do you say, big boy? Want to make me scream?"

Cato hesitated, clearly tempted. Katniss held her breath, praying her desperate gambit would work. Just a little longer. Help was coming. She just had to survive until then.

Katniss's stomach clenched with revulsion, but she knew she had no choice. She couldn't let her allies walk into a trap. As Cato eyed her lustfully, Katniss slowly untied the knot holding her tattered shirt in place. The fabric slid to the ground, revealing her slender, but muscled frame. "You like what you see, Cato?" she said, trying to sound more confident than she felt.

"Like what you see?"

Cato grunted and nodded to three of his cohorts. "You three, fan out and keep watch. I want those meddling allies of hers dead before they even know what hit them." The remaining two grinned wickedly and melted into the foliage, leaving Katniss alone with Cato and one other tribute who held a sword at the ready.

Katniss's heart pounded in her chest as she unfastened her trousers and let them pool around her ankles. Cato's eyes feasted on her lithe body, taking in every curve and contour. She forced herself not to shudder as he approached her, leering. "I've been waiting for this," he growled.

"Well then, don't keep me in suspense," she spat, steeling herself for what was about to happen.

With a shout of triumphant laughter, Cato pushed her roughly onto the forest floor, causing leaves and twigs to dig painfully into her bare skin. Katniss bit back a cry of pain as he yanked down her undergarments, exposing her most private parts to the cool forest air. Her cheeks burned with humiliation.

Cato wasted no time positioning himself between her thighs, his aroused member pressed against her entrance. Katniss glared defiantly into his eyes, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing her break. "Do it," she snarled through gritted teeth.

Cato grinned sadistically and thrust himself inside her without warning or mercy.

Katniss strained to hear any sign of her allies approaching as she endured Cato's assault. She focused on controlling her breathing, trying to stay calm and alert despite the pain and revulsion she felt.

"Not so tough now, are you Girl on Fire?" Cato taunted between grunts. "Your little friend Clara wasn't either, in the end."

Katniss's jaw clenched at the mention of Clara, but she forced herself to stay silent. She had to keep Cato distracted.

After what felt like an eternity, Cato rolled off her with a satisfied groan. "Your turn," he ordered. "I want to watch you ride me… but not your pussy. In your ass."

Slowly, wincing at the soreness, Katniss straddled him. She steeled herself, then slowly lowered herself onto him. At first her anus refused to open, but she slowly increased the downward pressure until suddenly his cock slid deep inside her.

The pain was excruciating. Tears sprang to her eyes, but she blinked them back furiously. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"That's it," Cato smirked. "Good girl."

Gasping in shock

Katniss moved mechanically, her mind desperately trying to think of a way out of this nightmare. Where were Finnick and the others? Had they been captured too?

Against her will she gasped from the pain and the humiliation, but she knew she had to distract the others too so they couldn’t spring the trap.

"You know," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "The others might like a turn too."

Cato's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What the fuck you playing at, Twelve?"

"Nothing," Katniss said quickly. "I just...I know I'm going to die. Might as well go out with a bang, right?" She forced a bitter laugh.

The other tribute who had stayed behind shifted uncomfortably, clearly aroused. Cato noticed and grinned. "Well boys, what do you say? Want to teach this bitch a lesson?"

Katniss continued to move atop Cato, her body aching, as the other tributes eagerly approached. The forest seemed to close in around them, the air thick with anticipation and the heady scent of sweat and arousal. Dappled sunlight played across their bare skin as clothes were hastily discarded.

Katniss steeled herself as rough hands grabbed her, repositioning her body.

As the boys crowded around her to take her one by one, she made sure to cry out loudly, exaggerating her distress. Anything to mask the sounds of her approaching friends.

"That's it boys, show this Twelve bitch what real men can do," Cato jeered. His words dripped with venom as he continued to taunt and degrade her. "Not so high and mighty now, are you Girl on Fire?"

She pretended to try to look away, so one of the boys held her head, forcing her to look at her assailants.

As they each came inside her, she felt their hot cum filling her, and spilling out when the next boy entered her in turn.

Taking turns in her pussy

Just a little longer. Her friends had to be close. They had to be.

One of the boys kneeled by her head and forced his cock into her mouth.

She began to gag and he pushed it into her throat.

Suddenly, an arrow whistled through the air, burying itself in the throat of the boy wielding the sword. As arterial blood sprayed across her face, Katniss wasted no time.

She bit down hard, making the boy throating her scream in agony. Then she bucked up, wrapping her powerful legs around the neck and armpit of the tribute between her thighs, cutting off his air supply with a vicious triangle choke.

Chaos erupted as more arrows rained down. Katniss maintained her hold, feeling the tribute's struggles weaken as he lost consciousness. She tasted blood from the cock she had mangled with her teeth.

Rolling to her feet, she snatched up the fallen sword. Cato lunged for her, but she was ready.

Katniss's blade sliced through the air, aiming for Cato's exposed throat. But at the last second, he ducked and lunged forward, tackling her to the ground. They rolled across the forest floor in a tangle of naked limbs, grappling for control.

Cato's raw strength gave him the advantage as he pinned Katniss beneath him. His hands closed around her throat, cutting off her air. Spots danced before Katniss's eyes as she struggled to breathe.

In desperation, she grabbed a handful of dirt and leaves, flinging it into Cato's face. He recoiled, momentarily blinded. Katniss seized the opportunity, driving her knee up between his legs.

Cato howled in pain, loosening his grip. Katniss twisted free, scrambling for the fallen sword. Her fingers closed around the hilt just as Cato recovered.

He charged at her like a raging bull. At the last second, Katniss dropped to the ground and rolled. Cato's momentum carried him over her. As he stumbled past, Katniss swung the sword in a vicious arc.

The blade connected with a meaty thunk. Cato's scream of agony echoed through the forest as his severed cock fell to the ground. He collapsed, clutching the bloody stump between his legs.

Katniss stood on shaky legs, panting heavily. Around her lay the bodies of Cato's allies, felled by her friends' arrows. She turned to see Finnick, Johanna and Beetee emerging from the trees, weapons at the ready.

A small figure pushed past them - Clara's younger sister, Sarah. Her eyes blazed with righteous fury as she approached the writhing Cato.

"This is for Clara," she spat, picking up Cato's sword. For a moment it looked like she might cut him down.

But instead, she simply turned and walked away, leaving Cato to bleed out slowly on the forest floor.

Katniss gathered her scattered clothes with trembling hands. As she dressed, Finnick draped a comforting arm around her shoulders.

"You okay?" he asked softly.

Katniss nodded, not trusting her voice. She took a deep, steadying breath, forcing the horrors of the past hour from her mind. There would be time to process later. For now, they had to keep moving.

With one last glance at Cato's pathetic form on the forest floor, Katniss turned away. She led her allies deeper into the forest.

It wasn’t until a half hour later she heard the low tone of the victory bell.

The other team was dead. They had survived.

That was all that mattered.

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