The air shimmered and cracked, and Bellatrix Lestrange emerged from the swirling vortex, her black robes billowing around her like a malevolent shroud. Her eyes, gleaming with a feral hunger, scanned the wreckage of the Burrow, the charred remains of the wedding marquee a stark reminder of the recent attack.
"Such a charming little hovel," she sneered, her lips curling into a cruel smile. "I wonder if they have any more of that delightful cake left."
Behind her, four Death Eaters materialized, their faces masked and their wands clutched tightly.
Mulciber, a hulking figure among the Death Eaters, shifted uncomfortably, his massive frame dwarfing his companions. His thick fingers fumbled with his wand as he cleared his throat, a sound like gravel in a blender.
"Er, Miss," he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper, "don't you reckon we ought to check with the Dark Lord first? Seems a bit, well, hasty, don't it?"
Bellatrix whirled on him, her eyes flashing with murderous intent. In an instant, her wand was at his throat, pressing into the folds of his neck.
"Hasty?" she hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "You simple-minded oaf! The Dark Lord rewards initiative, not sniveling cowardice!"
Mulciber's eyes widened behind his mask, a flicker of hurt crossing his brutish features. "I just thought—"
"Thought?" Bellatrix cackled, her laugh as sharp as broken glass. "Oh, Mulciber, don't strain yourself. We all know thinking isn't your strong suit. Why don't you stick to what you're good at? I hear the local farmlands are teeming with lovely sheep."
The other Death Eaters snickered, but Mulciber's shoulders broad shoulders hunched, his frame seeming to shrink under Bellatrix's withering gaze.
She leaned in close to him, “Tell me, dear Mulciber, do you whisper sweet nothings to them before or after you violate them?”
Mulciber's face flushed a deep crimson beneath his mask. "It ain't true, Miss," he protested weakly before trailing off. Then he mumbled, “Just trying to help best I can.”
Bellatrix's lip curled in disgust. "Help? The only help you could offer is to throw yourself in front of a killing curse. Now, unless you'd like me to demonstrate one for you, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and your wand at the ready."
She turned away from Mulciber, her dark eyes gleaming as they fixed on the crooked silhouette of the Burrow.
The house seemed to lean precariously, as if it might topple over at any moment, held together by magic and stubborn Weasley determination. In the eerie quiet following the attack, Bellatrix could almost hear the building groan, its wooden beams creaking like the ribs of a dying beast.
But beneath the silence, she sensed something more. A faint pulse of life, the unmistakable thrum of fear emanating from within the battered walls. Her nostrils flared, drinking in the scent of terror like a fine perfume.
"They're still here," she purred, her voice a silken whisper that sent chills down the spines of her companions. "Our little blood traitors, huddling in their den like frightened rabbits."
She began to glide towards the house, her feet barely seeming to touch the debris-strewn ground. The air around her crackled with dark energy, causing the other Death Eaters to instinctively step back. Even Mulciber, still smarting from her cruel words, felt a twinge of pity for whoever lay in Bellatrix's path.
As she approached, the very shadows seemed to cower away from her. The moonlight caught the curve of her wand, its polished surface reflecting a twisted version of the world around them. With each step, the magic surrounding the Burrow trembled, as if recognizing a predator far more dangerous than it could hope to repel.
Bellatrix paused at the threshold, her free hand hovering inches from the battered door. She could feel the protective enchantments buzzing against her skin, a pitiful attempt at warding off the darkness. With a soft chuckle, she pressed her palm flat against the wood, savoring the way the wards sizzled and smoked beneath her touch.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are," she sang, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "Auntie Bella's here to play."
Inside, she could almost taste the rapid heartbeats of those cowering within. The delicious flavor of their fear fueled her, stoking the fires of her madness to even greater heights. With a flick of her wand, the door exploded inward, showering the entryway with splinters and dust.
Bellatrix stepped over the threshold, her eyes wild with anticipation. "Ready or not," she breathed, "here I come."
Immediately, three voices cried out:
"Petrificus Totalus!"
A trio of spells blazed through the air, their brilliant hues illuminating the dim interior of the Burrow. Hermione's red stunner, Ginny's disarming charm, and Ron's full body-bind curse hurtled towards Bellatrix with deadly precision.
But the Death Eater was ready. With a cackle of glee, she pirouetted on the spot, her black robes swirling around her like smoke. The spells whizzed past, missing her by mere inches. Two of them found targets among the Death Eaters behind her, dropping them like stones.
"Ooh, what fun!" Bellatrix squealed, her eyes alight with maniacal joy. "But is this the best the ickle blood traitors can do?"
She twirled her wand like a baton, deflecting another volley of spells with casual ease. Sparks and magical energy crackled around her, setting her wild hair dancing as if caught in an otherworldly breeze.
Hermione, Ginny, and Ron spread out, trying to flank her. Their faces were set with grim determination, but fear flickered in their eyes. They knew they were outmatched, but they had no choice but to fight.
Bellatrix's wand became a blur as she dueled all three at once. Curses flew from its tip in rapid succession, forcing the young wizards to duck and weave. She laughed maniacally with each near miss, reveling in their growing desperation.
"Dance for me, little ones!" she screeched, sending a jet of purple flame arcing towards Ron's feet.
He leapt back with a yelp, crashing into an end table and sending family photos scattering across the floor. Ginny seized the moment of distraction to launch a powerful Reductor Curse, but Bellatrix batted it aside like a bothersome fly.
The curse smashed into the wall behind her, blowing a sizable hole through to the garden beyond. Cool night air rushed in, carrying with it the acrid scent of smoke and destruction.
Hermione's voice rang out, clear and defiant: "Incarcerous!"
Ropes shot from her wand, snaking towards Bellatrix with lightning speed. For a heartbeat, it seemed they might ensnare her, but at the last second, she apparated with a crack.
She reappeared directly behind Ginny, her wand already in motion. "Stupefy!"
The red bolt caught Ginny square in the back. She crumpled to the floor, unconscious before she hit the threadbare rug.
"No!" Ron bellowed, charging forward with reckless abandon.
Ron's charge was as brave as it was foolish. Bellatrix's lips curled into a cruel smile as she lazily flicked her wand. "Expelliarmus!" she sang, and Ron's wand flew from his grasp, clattering against the far wall. Before he could react, she jabbed her wand again. "Incarcerous!"
Ropes materialized out of thin air, wrapping themselves tightly around Ron's body. He stumbled, losing his balance, and Bellatrix caught him with surprising strength. In an instant, she had her wand pressed against his throat, her other arm wrapped around his chest like a vise.
"Well, well," she purred, her hot breath ghosting over Ron's ear. "What have we here? A little Weasel, all trussed up like a Christmas goose."
Hermione's eyes widened in horror, her wand hand trembling as she tried to keep it trained on Bellatrix. The remaining Death Eater moved to flank her, but Hermione was quicker. Without taking her eyes off Ron, she whirled and shouted, "Petrificus Totalus!"
The spell caught the Death Eater mid-step. He toppled backwards, stiff as a board, crashing into a rickety bookshelf. A cascade of dusty tomes rained down upon his frozen form.
"Ooh, clever girl," Bellatrix cackled, tightening her grip on Ron. "But not clever enough, I'm afraid. Drop your wand, mudblood, or I'll paint these shabby walls with your boyfriend's blood."
Hermione's face paled, her knuckles white around her wand. "He's not—we're not—" she stammered, her cheeks flushing despite the dire situation.
Bellatrix's eyes glittered with malicious glee. "Oh, how adorable! Young love, so pure, so innocent." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. "Tell me, Ronnie, does she make your heart flutter? Do your palms get all sweaty when she's near?"
Ron's face turned as red as his hair, a mix of anger and embarrassment. "Shut up, you hag!" he spat, struggling against his bonds.
"Such fire!" Bellatrix laughed. "I bet that's what drew you to him, isn't it, mudblood? All that passion, barely contained." She ran a finger down Ron's cheek, making him flinch. "Have you two lovebirds kissed yet? Or are you both too shy?"
Hermione's wand wavered, her eyes darting between Ron's face and Bellatrix's taunting grin. The air in the room seemed to thicken, charged with tension and unspoken feelings.
"I—we—" Hermione stuttered, her usual eloquence deserting her.
Bellatrix's eyes sparkled with malevolent glee as she savored their discomfort. "Oh, how precious! The bookworm and the buffoon, star-crossed lovers in this little hovel of horrors." She traced her wand along Ron's jawline, leaving a faint trail of sparks that made him wince. "Tell me, mudblood, do you dream of ginger babies? Little freckled abominations with bushy red hair, perhaps?"
Hermione's face flushed deeper, a mix of anger and embarrassment coloring her cheeks. Her wand hand trembled slightly, torn between the desire to hex Bellatrix into oblivion and the fear of what the deranged witch might do to Ron.
"Or maybe," Bellatrix continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "you prefer someone a little more... famous? A certain bespectacled boy who lived, perhaps? My, my, what a tangled web we weave!"
Ron's face contorted with a mixture of rage and hurt, his ears turning a violent shade of crimson. Hermione opened her mouth to retort, but Bellatrix was quicker.
With a speed that belied her apparent madness, she whirled her wand in a complex pattern. "Stupefy Maxima!" she shrieked, her voice rising to a banshee-like pitch.
A blinding red light erupted from her wand, splitting into twin bolts that struck both Hermione and Ron simultaneously. They crumpled to the floor, unconscious before they could even register what had happened.
Bellatrix released Ron's limp form, letting him fall unceremoniously beside Hermione. She surveyed the scene with a satisfied smirk, her dark eyes glittering with triumph.
"Mulciber!" she barked, not bothering to turn around. The hulking Death Eater lumbered forward, still nursing his wounded pride.
Bellatrix leaned in close, her lips barely moving as she whispered something in his ear. Mulciber's eyes widened behind his mask, and he gave a curt nod.
With a flick of her wand, Bellatrix levitated the unconscious forms of Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. They hovered in the air like macabre marionettes, their limbs dangling lifelessly.
"Come, my pretties," Bellatrix cooed, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "Auntie Bella has such delightful games planned for you."
With a crack that seemed to split the very air, Bellatrix disapparated, taking the three young wizards with her. The echoes of her maniacal laughter lingered in the now destroyed living room of the Burrow.
Part 1
Hermione's world erupted in agony. Every nerve ending seemed to be on fire, her muscles spasming uncontrollably as waves of searing pain coursed through her body. Her eyes flew open, a silent scream trapped in her throat as consciousness slammed into her with the force of a runaway hippogriff.
The first thing she saw was Bellatrix's face, looming over her like a twisted gargoyle. The Death Eater's eyes glittered with sadistic glee, her wand still pulsing with an eerie purple light - the afterglow of the Cruciatus Minimus curse she had used to wrench Hermione from the blessed oblivion of unconsciousness.
Hermione tried to cry out, to protest, to beg for mercy, but her mouth was full. She gagged reflexively, realizing with growing horror that something round and unyielding was lodged between her teeth. A ball gag, she realized, her cheeks burning with humiliation and fear.
The room swam into focus around her, a nightmare made real. Stone walls glistened with moisture, the air thick with the coppery scent of blood and the acrid tang of dark magic. Chains rattled ominously in the shadows, and somewhere beyond her field of vision, she could hear muffled whimpers that made her blood run cold.
Bellatrix's face split into a feral grin, her teeth gleaming in the sickly light of guttering torches. "Welcome back, mudblood," she purred, trailing her wand along Hermione's cheek. "Did you enjoy your little nap? I do hope you're well-rested. We have such a long night ahead of us."
Hermione's mind raced, fighting through the lingering haze of pain. She tried to move, to pull away from Bellatrix's taunting touch, but her body wouldn't respond. Panic rose in her chest as she realized she was suspended against the cold stone wall, her arms stretched painfully above her head.
The chill air raised goosebumps across her exposed skin. With growing horror, Hermione became aware of her state of undress - she was clad only in her simple cotton panties, her chest completely bare. She squirmed uselessly against her bonds, face flushing crimson with shame and fear.
Bellatrix's eyes roamed hungrily over Hermione's vulnerable form. "My, my," she crooned. "What a pretty little mudblood you are. I bet your dear Ronald has never seen you like this, has he?"
Hermione squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself to wake up from this nightmare. But Bellatrix's cruel laughter confirmed this was all too real.
"What's the matter, pet?" the Death Eater taunted. "Shy? Don't worry, we'll cure you of that soon enough."
Hermione's eyes flew open as she felt Bellatrix's wand trailing down her stomach, coming to rest between her legs. The witch began rubbing slow circles through the thin fabric of Hermione's underwear.
A pinkish-purple glow began to emanate from the tip of Bellatrix's wand. The young witch's eyes widened in confusion and fear as she felt an unexpected warmth blossoming between her legs.
Tears of shame and humiliation burned in Hermione’s eyes as her body began to respond against her will to Bellatrix's ministrations. A flush crept across her chest, her nipples hardening in the cool dungeon air. She squirmed uselessly against her bonds, mortified by her body's betrayal.
"I wonder what Ronald will say when he sees you like this," Bellatrix mused. "His precious little bookworm, all grown up. Tell me, does he make you wet like this? Or am I the first?"
The pulsing light from Bellatrix's wand intensified, sending waves of tingling pleasure through Hermione's most intimate areas. She bit down hard on the gag, fighting against the involuntary moans threatening to escape her throat.
Suddenly, the heavy dungeon door creaked open. Mulciber's hulking form filled the doorway, his meaty hands clutching a small wire cage. Inside, a ginger cat hissed and spit.
Bellatrix spun around, her eyes lighting up with malevolent glee at the sight of the caged feline. "Ah, Mulciber! You've actually managed to do something right for once. Wonders never cease."
The ginger cat yowled in fury, his bottle-brush tail puffed up to twice its normal size. His squashed face was contorted in a snarl of pure feline rage as he hurled himself against the wire mesh of the cage.
Mulciber grunted, struggling to keep his grip on the thrashing cage. "Blasted beast," he growled. "Nearly took me eye out when I grabbed it."
As if to prove his point, the cat let out another ear-splitting yowl and lashed out with one paw. His claws found purchase in the meaty flesh of Mulciber's hand, drawing four parallel lines of crimson.
The hulking Death Eater bellowed in pain and surprise, instinctively releasing his grip on the cage. It clattered to the stone floor with a resounding crash, the impact echoing off the dank dungeon walls. The cat tumbled inside, spitting and hissing, but the door remained stubbornly shut.
Bellatrix's face contorted with fury. "You bumbling oaf!" she shrieked, her wand already in motion. "Crucio!"
Mulciber dropped to his knees, his scream of agony drowned out by the cat's continued yowling. After a few seconds that felt like an eternity, Bellatrix lifted the curse, leaving the man panting and twitching on the floor.
"Pathetic," she spat, her lip curling in disgust. "I swear, Mulciber, you're as useless as a chocolate cauldron. All that late night sheep fucking has rotted your brain."
Mulciber's face turned an alarming shade of puce, a vein throbbing visibly in his temple. "I ain't never—" he began, but Bellatrix cut him off with a contemptuous wave of her hand.
"Save your bleating for someone who cares," she sneered. "Now get out of my sight before I decide to practice my flaying curses. I hear they work wonders on thick skin."
As Mulciber lumbered out of the dungeon, nursing his wounded hand and pride, Bellatrix turned her attention back to the cage. With a lazy flick of her wand, she levitated it onto a low stone table, its surface stained with suspicious dark patches that Hermione didn't want to contemplate too closely.
The cat hissed again violently.
"Now, now, puss," Bellatrix cooed, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "There's no need for all this fuss. We're all friends here, aren't we?"
She took a moment to survey the scene before her, drinking in the tableau of misery and fear she had created. Hermione remained chained to the wall, her body quivering with a mixture of involuntary arousal and stark terror. Tears streamed down her cheeks, soaking into the ball gag that muffled her whimpers.
Across the room, Ron and Ginny were slumped back-to-back, bound tightly with enchanted ropes that seemed to pulse with dark energy. Their heads lolled forward, still unconscious.
Bellatrix raised her wand, muttering an incantation under her breath. Sparks of sickly green light danced from the tip, coalescing into a misty vapor that snaked across the room. As it reached Ron and Ginny, their bodies jerked and twitched, eyes flying open with sudden, terrified awareness.
"Hermione!" Ron cried out, his voice hoarse. His eyes widened in horror as he took in the scene before him - Hermione's exposed and violated form, the caged and hissing cat, Bellatrix's maniacal grin.
Ginny let out a strangled gasp, struggling against her bonds. "You evil hag!" she spat at Bellatrix. "Let us go or I'll-"
"Ah ah ah," Bellatrix cut her off, waggling a finger mockingly. "I wouldn't finish that threat if I were you, little blood traitor. Any attempts at wandless magic and, well..." She trailed off, her eyes gleaming as they flickered to Hermione's trembling form. "Let's just say your mudblood friend will pay the price. Understood?"
Ron and Ginny fell silent, exchanging helpless glances. Bellatrix smirked in satisfaction before turning back to Hermione, raising her wand once more.
But in that moment of distraction, Ginny saw her chance. Mustering every ounce of magical energy she possessed, she whispered a desperate "Relashio!"
A jet of sparks shot from her fingertips, striking Bellatrix squarely between the shoulder blades. For a heartbeat, hope flared in Ginny's chest. But then the sparks fizzled and died, leaving Bellatrix unharmed and unmoved.
Slowly, agonizingly, the Death Eater turned. The playful malice in her eyes had hardened into something colder, more terrifying. When she spoke, her voice was soft, almost gentle, and all the more chilling for it.
"Oh, you silly, silly girl," Bellatrix purred. "Didn't anyone ever teach you to listen when your elders are speaking?"
With a flick of her wand, Ginny was torn from her bonds, hurled across the room to slam against the wall beside Hermione. Another gesture, and chains materialized, binding the two girls face to face, mere inches apart.
Bellatrix's eyes gleamed with malevolent inspiration. She raised her wand, an incantation forming on her lips. Hermione and Ginny's eyes widened in terror, not knowing what new horror awaited them.
Suddenly, Ron let out an agonized scream. A flash of sickly purple light enveloped his lower body. When it faded, his pants were gone and Ron stared down in shock and disbelief. Where his manhood had been, there was now only a ragged, bloodless wound.
Before anyone could react, Bellatrix flicked her wand again. Ron's severed member flew across the room, elongating and swelling to its fully erect state. It forced its way between Hermione and Ginny's gagged mouths, lodging deep in their throats.
The girls thrashed and bucked against their chains, eyes bulging as they struggled for air. The massive intrusion choked them, cutting off their breath. Tears streamed down their faces as they fought the urge to retch.
Ron's shock gave way to panic as he realized what was happening. "No! Stop!" he cried out, his voice cracking. But then his eyes rolled back and a low moan escaped his lips. Despite the horror of the situation, impossible waves of pleasure washed over him.
Bellatrix cackled with delight, drinking in the tableau of suffering and unwilling ecstasy before her. "Isn't this delightful?" she cooed. "Such a happy little family reunion!"
Hermione and Ginny continued to struggle, desperate for air, revolted by the intrusion violating them both. Their muffled cries of distress only seemed to fuel Bellatrix's cruel enjoyment of the scene.
The cat yowled and hissed, creating a cacophonous backdrop to the horrific scene unfolding before it. Bellatrix paid the feline no mind, her eyes locked on Hermione and Ginny's faces as they struggled and choked.
"Now, now, don't fight it, dearies," Bellatrix cooed, a cruel smile playing across her lips. "I'm sure Ronald appreciates your... enthusiasm."
Hermione and Ginny's eyes bulged, tears streaming down their reddening faces as they fought for air. Their chests heaved uselessly, lungs burning as they were denied precious oxygen. Darkness began to creep in at the edges of their vision.
Just as consciousness started to slip away, Bellatrix lazily flicked her wand. The unnatural appendage vanished, and both girls gasped desperately, sucking in great gulps of the dank dungeon air. They coughed and sputtered, fighting waves of nausea.
"Oh, don't look so glum, dearies," Bellatrix crooned, her voice dripping with false sympathy. "Most girls would be thrilled to share such an intimate moment with their crush…and well, their brother,” she said, enjoying the pained reaction on Ginny’s face at this. “Although I must say, Ronniekins, I expected better from a pureblood. Even if it is... modified."
Ron's face burned with shame and fury, but he bit back a retort, terrified of provoking further torment for the girls.
Hermione's eyes flashed with defiance. Though her throat burned and her stomach roiled, she managed to spit out, "You're pathetic. You think this makes you powerful? You're nothing but a deranged, sadistic coward."
For a moment, silence reigned in the dungeon. Even the cat fell quiet, as if holding his breath. Then Bellatrix threw back her head and laughed, a high, piercing sound that sent chills down their spines.
"Oh, I do love it when they have spirit!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together like a delighted child. "It makes breaking them so much more satisfying. Tell me, mudblood, shall we see how long that bravery lasts when I start peeling the skin from your bones?"
Bellatrix paused, a wicked gleam in her eye. "On second thought," she purred, "I have an even better idea."
With a flourish of her wand, she conjured an ornate four-poster bed draped in black silk. Another flick, and Ginny was torn from the wall and flung onto the mattress. Red cords lashed her spread-eagle to the posts, leaving her completely exposed.
"You see," Bellatrix mused, circling the bed like a shark, "there's a special kind of pain women endure when betrayed by the men they love. When they watch their precious little romances crumble before their eyes."
She turned to Ron, who was staring at his sister in horror. "And you, blood traitor, are going to give us a demonstration."
"No," Ron croaked, shaking his head violently. "I won't—you can't make me—"
Bellatrix's wand slashed through the air. "Imperio revelare!"
Ron's eyes glazed over, his expression going slack. Slowly, jerkily, he began to move towards the bed.
"Stop it!" Hermione shrieked, thrashing against her chains. "You sick bitch! I'll kill you for this!"
But Bellatrix only laughed, drinking in Hermione's outrage like fine wine.
As Ron climbed up onto the bed, another spell from Bellatrix caused his manhood to swell to its full and quite impressive size. Ginny's eyes flew wide, a strangled whimper escaping her throat as she saw what loomed over her.
Ron's face flushed a deep crimson looking down at his little sister, her full breasts heaving and her pink little pussy quivering open and inviting.
Ginny's heart thudded in her chest, fear and revulsion warring with an unbidden shiver of arousal that shot through her as she stared at her brother's painfully hard member. Beneath her initial revulsion, a part of her body couldn't help but respond to the sight of him, so dominant and imposing above her.
"No," Hermione moaned, her eyes filling with tears as she watched the scene unfolding before her. "Ron! Ginny! Please don't do this! You can fight this!"
Bellatrix cackled. "Oh, Hermione, you still don't understand, do you? The Imperio Revelare curse does not compel obedience. It reveals your darkest desire and compels you to fulfill it. I’m not forcing little Ronnie boy to do anything he doesn’t already want to do. Isn’t that right, Ronnie?"
But Ron gave no indication he heard Bellatrix, remaining completely and utterly transfixed with the sight of his young sister below him.
Hermione shook her head in denial as tears streamed down her face. The smile on Bellatrix's face grew wider as she watched her plan unfold so beautifully.
The cat yowled in the corner of the room, its fur standing on end.
Ginny closed her eyes, willing herself to disappear as Ron positioned himself between her legs. This couldn't be happening; it was all a nightmare, a horrifically explicit nightmare that she would soon wake up from. His fingers traced along her thighs, sending goosebumps dancing across her skin despite her revulsion.
Ron leaned down, his lips hovering just millimeters from Ginny's ear. "I'm sorry," he whispered hoarsely. "I love you." Then, with one swift thrust, he entered her.
As Ron began to move, Ginny let out a gasp of shock and pain. This was wrong, so terribly wrong. But as the initial discomfort faded, her body began to respond against her will. She bit her lip, fighting against the unwelcome sensations.
Ron's eyes remained glazed as he settled into a steady rhythm. Though his mind was clouded by the curse, his body knew what to do. His hands roamed over Ginny's soft skin as he thrust into her.
Ginny squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out what was happening. But she couldn't ignore the growing heat in her core, the way her hips began to move in tandem with Ron's.
"That's it," Bellatrix purred. "Give in to it. You know you want to."
Hermione sobbed quietly, unable to look away from the scene before her. The dungeon was filled with the sounds of flesh meeting flesh and muffled moans.
As much as she tried to resist, Ginny felt herself being swept away by waves of forbidden pleasure. Her back arched involuntarily, pressing her breasts against Ron's chest.
Ron's movements became more urgent, driving deeper. Ginny's legs wrapped around his waist of their own accord, pulling him closer. Their breathing grew ragged as they approached the peak together.
With a final thrust, Ron buried himself to the hilt. Ginny cried out as her climax crashed over her, her inner walls clenching around him. Ron groaned, spilling himself inside her.
For a moment, they lay there panting. Then awareness returned to Ron's eyes, horror dawning on his face as he realized what he'd done.
Bellatrix's cackle filled the room with glee. "How delightful! And Ginny, you are taking precautions, are you not? Oh no, you're not? Tut tut. Looks like Hermione won't be the only one with precious red-haired babies in the future."
Ron stumbled backwards off the bed, horror and revulsion twisting his features as the full weight of what he had done crashed over him. His legs gave out and he collapsed to the cold stone floor, curling into himself as violent sobs wracked his body. Shame and self-loathing coursed through him, threatening to tear him apart from the inside.
"No, no, no," he moaned, rocking back and forth. "What have I done? Oh Merlin, what have I done?"
But there was nowhere to hide, nowhere to escape the consequences of his actions. The dungeon walls pressed in around him, trapping him with his guilt. Ginny's quiet sobs echoed off the stone, intermingling with Hermione's muffled cries. The sounds bored into Ron's skull, each whimper and gasp a dagger to his heart.
He pressed his hands over his ears, trying desperately to block it out, but it was no use. The sounds of their anguish, the knowledge of what he had done to the two women he loved most in the world - it consumed him utterly. In that moment, Ron Weasley wanted nothing more than to die, to be swallowed up by the earth and erased from existence.
"Oh, don't look so glum, Ronniekins," Bellatrix crooned, her voice dripping with false sympathy. "I'm sure mummy and daddy will be ever so proud when they hear how you've carried on the pureblood tradition. Nothing says family values quite like keeping it in the family, after all."
Ron's stomach heaved at her words. He retched, bringing up nothing but bitter bile that burned his throat.
Just when he thought things couldn't possibly get worse, Bellatrix's voice took on a singsong quality that sent chills down his spine.
"Speaking of mummy dearest," she trilled, "I do believe we've been terribly rude, ignoring our other guest."
Ron's head snapped up, his heart seizing with fresh terror. What new horror did the deranged witch have in store?
To his confusion, Bellatrix was crouched by the wire cage containing the spitting, hissing ginger cat. Her lips curled into a cruel smile as she tapped the cage with her wand.
"Now, now, Molly dear," she cooed, "there's no need for all this fuss. Didn't you enjoy the show? Your little Ronniekins has become quite the man, hasn't he?"
Ron's breath caught in his throat. Surely she couldn't mean...
"Oh yes," Bellatrix cackled, clearly relishing his dawning horror. "Mummy's been here all along, watching her precious babies play. Tell us, Molly, are you proud of your son? Such stamina, such... enthusiasm!”
The cat in the cage let out a yowl of pure anguish that made Ron's blood run cold.
Ron's mind reeled, unable to process this new, horrific revelation. His eyes darted wildly between the caged cat and his sister on the bed, her body still flushed and trembling from their forbidden coupling. The room seemed to spin around him, reality warping and twisting into an incomprehensible nightmare.
" can't be..." Ron mumbled, his voice cracking. "Mum? Oh Merlin, please no..."
The cat - his mother - let out another heart-wrenching yowl. Ron clapped his hands over his ears, squeezing his eyes shut as he rocked back and forth. But he couldn't block out the sounds, couldn't erase the images seared into his mind.
His breathing grew ragged, coming in sharp gasps that didn't seem to bring any air to his lungs. Black spots danced at the edges of his vision as hyperventilation set in. Ron's fingers clawed at his scalp, pulling out tufts of ginger hair as he struggled to anchor himself to some semblance of sanity.
"Make it stop," he whimpered. "Please, make it stop. This isn't real. It can't be real."
But the dungeon remained stubbornly solid around him, the cold stone floor unforgiving beneath his knees. The scent of sex and fear hung heavy in the air, an inescapable reminder of what had transpired.
Bellatrix's laughter rang out, high and cruel. "Oh, but it is real, Ronnie dear. Every delicious, depraved moment of it. And the best part? Deep down, you enjoyed it. You wanted it."
Ron's stomach heaved again, but there was nothing left to bring up. Dry sobs wracked his body as he curled into himself, trying to disappear. But there was no escape from the crushing weight of guilt and shame that threatened to suffocate him.
"Monster!" Hermione's scream cut through the haze of Ron's despair. "You evil, sadistic monster! How could you do this?"
Bellatrix turned, her eyes glittering with malevolent glee as she regarded the chained witch. "Monster? Oh no, my dear. I'm simply the mirror that reveals the darkness lurking in all of you. The desires you're too afraid to admit, even to yourselves."
With a lazy flick of her wand, Bellatrix cast a shimmering purple spell that enveloped Hermione. "Now then, let's see what secrets you've been hiding, shall we? Tell me, mudblood, have you ever cheated on dear Ronald? Perhaps with a certain bespectacled Boy Who Lived?"
Hermione's eyes widened in horror as she felt the compulsion take hold, forcing the truth past her lips. "Y-yes," she choked out, "It was after Ron left us during the Horcrux hunt. Harry and I were both so lonely, so scared. One night, we just...we found comfort in each other's arms."
"Go on," Bellatrix purred, her eyes gleaming with cruel delight. "Don't spare us the sordid details."
Hermione squeezed her eyes shut, but she couldn't stop the flood of words. "We kissed. His hands were everywhere, setting my skin on fire. Before I knew it, our clothes were gone and he was inside me. It was frantic, desperate. We both cried afterwards."
Ron had gone deathly still, his face ashen as he stared at Hermione in disbelief.
Bellatrix clapped her hands in mock delight. "How scandalous! But I think there's more to this little tale, isn't there? Tell me, mudblood - who do you find more attractive? Harry or Ron?"
Hermione bit her lip so hard she tasted blood, but the truth bubbled up unstoppably. "H-Harry," she whispered. "I'm so sorry, Ron, but...Harry's always been the one who sets my heart racing."
"And if you had to choose?" Bellatrix pressed. "If both boys were vying for your affections, who would you pick?"
A sob tore from Hermione's throat as she answered, "Harry. It would be Harry."
The dungeon fell silent save for Ron's ragged breathing. He stared at Hermione, betrayal and heartbreak etched across his features.
"Ron, please," Hermione begged. "It's not that simple. I love you both, just in different ways. What Harry and I did was a mistake - we were lonely and afraid. It didn't mean anything!"
But Ron just shook his head, fresh tears spilling down his cheeks.
Bellatrix made a show of wiping away an imaginary tear. "How tragic," she simpered. "Young love torn asunder by lust and betrayal. But really, Ronald, what did you expect? Trying to tie down such a naughty little mudblood slut."
She turned back to Hermione, her lips curled in a sneer. "That's what you are, isn't it? A filthy mudblood whore, spreading your legs for any wizard who'll have you. I bet you've fantasized about all sorts of depraved scenarios, haven't you?"
Hermione shook her head frantically, but the magical compulsion forced her to nod. "Yes," she whimpered. "I've many things. With Harry, with Ron...with both of them at once."
"You disgust me," Ron spat, his voice thick with contempt.
"I disgust you?" Hermione shot back, anger flashing in her eyes. "That's rich coming from someone who just impregnated his own little sister!"
Ron flinched as if he'd been struck. The weight of what he'd done came crashing back down on him.
Bellatrix cackled with glee, clearly relishing the drama unfolding before her. "My, my, such passion! Such fire!" She turned to Hermione, a wicked gleam in her eye. "I know exactly what to do with a dirty, filthy mudblood slut like you. Give you precisely what you most secretly desire…"
And with a flick of her wand, the chains binding Hermione vanished. Before the young witch could react, Bellatrix seized her by the hair and bent her roughly over a rough wooden table.
"No! Stop!" Hermione cried out, but her protests were cut short as Bellatrix's hand came down hard across her exposed backside.
The sharp crack of flesh meeting flesh echoed off the dungeon walls. Hermione yelped in pain and shock as Bellatrix continued the assault, raining down blows that left angry red handprints blooming across her pale skin.
"This is what happens to naughty little mudbloods who can't control their base urges," Bellatrix crooned, punctuating each word with another stinging slap.
Tears streamed down Hermione's face as she struggled against Bellatrix's iron grip. But a tiny part of her, buried deep beneath layers of revulsion and fear, responded to the pain with a forbidden thrill.
Bellatrix seemed to sense this internal conflict. Her lips curled into a cruel smile as she paused in her assault, trailing her fingers teasingly along Hermione's spine.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you, you filthy little slut?" she purred. "Your body betrays you."
Before Hermione could deny it, Bellatrix's hand came down again, this time on her exposed breast. Hermione cried out, the pain lancing through her and mingling with an unwelcome spark of pleasure.
"Such a delectable sight," Bellatrix said, "A bright, beautiful swot like you, reduced to this debased state." She leaned in close, her fetid breath washing over Hermione's ear as she whispered, "You know what's coming next, don't you? I'm going to fulfill your darkest wish, mudblood."
Hermione felt as if ice had replaced the blood in her veins as she gasped for air. "N-no... please... I take it back. I take it all back!" She sobbed, writhing in agony that transcended mere physical pain.
Bellatrix only cackled in response. "Oh, but I don't think you do," she said. "After all, we both know that you've dreamt of this delightful scenario." Her voice dropped to a seductive purr. "Tell me, Hermione Granger... have you ever fantasized about having all your dirty holes filled? About being taken in every way imaginable?"
Hermione shook her head violently, denying the accusation even as images of the forbidden fantasy flashed through her mind: hands restraining her wrists and ankles, a sea of faces leering down at her as they took their turns... She felt herself blush even harder if that were possible.
"I-I didn't mean it! It was only a dream!" Her protests were cut short by Bellatrix roughly grabbing a fistful of her disheveled hair and yanking her head back.
"Lies! I see the truth in those pretty brown eyes of yours. Lucius! Crabbe, Goyle! Stop lurking in the shadows and come take what's yours!"
The cellar door creaked open with a groan of rusted hinges, admitting three silhouettes. Lucius Malfoy sauntered in, his aristocratic features concealed beneath the mask but his silver-blond hair waving like a banner of privilege. Behind him shuffled a pair of thuggish-looking Death Eaters: Crabbe, his bulk straining the seams of his robes, and Goyle, a sneer twisting his features into something sinister.
Their eyes locked onto Hermione's trembling form on the table, their lustful gazes sending shivers down her spine. She tried to scramble away from them but was brought up short by Bellatrix's merciless grip on her hair.
"No!" Hermione screamed as Bellatrix yanked her upright and shoved her roughly to her knees. "Please don't do this!"
Lucius Malfoy stopped in front of her, leering down at her tear-stained face. He unzipped his trousers with an insufferable smirk, revealing his semi-erect penis dangling between his legs.
"Open your pretty little mouth," he drawled, "and show Daddy Malfoy how grateful you are for this opportunity."
Hermione shook her head and kept her mouth firmly closed, tears streaming down her face. "No, please, I don't want this," she whimpered.
Bellatrix cackled. "Oh, but we both know that's not true, you filthy little mudblood. Your body betrays your true desires."
With a flick of her wand, Bellatrix forced Hermione's jaw open. Before she could react, Lucius thrust himself into her mouth.
Hermione gagged and tried to pull away, but Bellatrix's grip on her hair held her in place. "That's it," Bellatrix cooed. "Be a good little slut and please your betters."
Tears streamed down Hermione's face as Lucius used her mouth roughly. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out what was happening. But to her horror and shame, she felt her body responding against her will.
"Look at how wet she is," Crabbe grunted, running a meaty hand between her legs. "The mudblood whore is enjoying this."
"Please," Hermione tried to beg around Lucius' cock, "stop this. I don't want--"
But her protests were cut off as Goyle positioned himself behind her and thrust into her violently. Hermione cried out in pain and shock.
"Shut up and take it, you filthy slag," Goyle snarled, setting a brutal pace.
Hermione's world narrowed to the sensations assaulting her body. Pain and unwanted pleasure warred within her as the Death Eaters used her.
She lost track of time as they took turns with her, trading positions and holes. At some point, she found herself impaled on all three of them at once - Malfoy in her mouth, Crabbe underneath in her pussy, and Goyle pounding into her ass from behind.
To her utter shame and self-loathing, Hermione felt herself building towards climax. She tried to fight it, to hold back the tide of sensation, but it was too much.
With a muffled scream, Hermione came hard, her body convulsing around the cocks inside her. The Death Eaters grunted and swore as they followed, spilling themselves inside her.
Hermione collapsed to the cold stone floor, cum leaking from her abused holes. The Death Eaters zipped themselves up and started to leave, without so much as a backward glance.
"Filthy mudblood whore," Crabbe spat as walked towards the door.
Hermione curled into herself and sobbed, utterly broken.
Just then, a piercing yowl made everyone turn their heads. To Bellatrix's shock, the ginger cat had somehow freed itself from the cage while they were distracted. It now sat perched atop the wooden table, its bottlebrush tail curled around Bellatrix's dropped wand.
Before anyone could react, the cat's form began to blur and shift. In a matter of seconds, Molly Weasley stood where the feline had been, her eyes blazing with righteous fury. She snatched up Bellatrix's wand, snapping it in two with a resounding crack.
"Accio wand!" Molly cried. From some hidden corner of the dungeon, her true wand came soaring through the air, slapping into her outstretched palm.
Bellatrix's eyes widened in dawning horror as she realized how badly she had underestimated her opponent. She fumbled for her broken wand, but it was too late.
With a complex series of wand movements, Molly cast a powerful transfiguration spell. A beam of shimmering light struck Bellatrix squarely in the chest. The Death Eater let out an inhuman shriek as her body began to twist and change.
In moments, where Bellatrix had stood there was now only a rather bewildered-looking sheep. Its black wool was matted and tangled, and its eyes still held a glint of malevolent madness.
Molly turned to the other Death Eaters, who stood frozen in shock. "You lot are next," she growled.
Molly took advantage of their hesitation, stunning Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle in rapid succession.
She then turned to Hermione, who was still huddled on the floor. With gentle hands, she helped the young witch to her feet and conjured a soft robe to wrap around her.
"It's alright now, dear," Molly soothed, pulling Hermione into a motherly embrace. "You're safe. And none of this was your fault."
Hermione broke down sobbing in Molly's arms, the full weight of her ordeal crashing down on her. Molly held her close, murmuring words of comfort.
After a few moments, Molly pulled back slightly, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "Now then," she said, "what do you say we make sure these brutes get what they so richly deserve.”
Hermione looked up at Molly, confusion giving way to understanding as she saw the glint in the older witch's eye. A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.
"Let's give them a taste of their own medicine, shall we?" Molly said with a wink.
Hermione nodded, feeling a flicker of her old self returning. "Yes," she said softly. "Let's do it."
With swift, precise movements, Molly cast the same transfiguration spell on the stunned Death Eaters. One by one, they transformed into bewildered-looking sheep. Soon, a small flock stood before them, their eyes still holding hints of human confusion and outrage.
Molly conjured thick ropes, binding the sheep securely to the heavy wooden table. She stepped back to survey her handiwork, a satisfied smile playing across her lips.
"There," she said. "Now all you need is some patience my little woolly ones. Help will soon be coming for you."
Hermione couldn't help but let out a watery chuckle. The laughter felt foreign after everything that had happened, but also cleansing somehow.
Molly's expression softened as she turned to Ron and Ginny. They stood huddled together, shame and fear evident in their postures. Molly opened her arms wide.
"Come here, my darlings," she said, her voice full of warmth and forgiveness. "What happened here was not your fault. You were victims too, manipulated by dark magic and an evil witch. But it's over now. We're going home, and we'll face whatever comes next together, as a family."
Tears streaming down their faces, Ron and Ginny fell into their mother's embrace. Hermione joined them, and for a long moment, they all clung to each other, drawing strength and comfort from the contact.
Finally, Molly stepped back, keeping one arm around Ginny and reaching out to take Ron's hand. "Ready to go home?" she asked gently.
They all nodded, eager to leave this nightmare behind.
Molly turned to the bound sheep, who were bleating pitifully. "Tootaloo," she said with a smirk.
And with that, Molly apparated them all away, leaving behind only the echo of their departure and a very unhappy flock of former Death Eaters.
After Molly and the others disappeared, the dungeon fell silent except for the occasional bleat from the bound sheep. Hours passed. Then heavy footsteps echoed down the corridor.
Mulciber lumbered into the room, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Oy, where'd everyone go?" he called out. Getting no response, he surveyed the dungeon. His eyes widened as they fell on the flock of sheep strapped to the table.
"Well hello there, my lovelies," he said, a slow grin spreading across his face. "Looks like someone left me a right proper gift."
The sheep began bleating frantically, straining against their bonds as Mulciber approached. He ran a meaty hand through their wool, murmuring soothing nonsense.
"There there, no need to fuss," he crooned. "Old Mulciber's gonna take real good care of you."
With practiced motions, Mulciber freed himself from his robes, revealing his already erect member. The sheep's bleating reached a fever pitch as he positioned himself behind the first one.
"Shh, shh," he whispered. "This won't hurt a bit."
What followed was four hours of depraved, bestial rutting. Mulciber worked his way through the entire flock, grunting and sweating as he violated each sheep multiple times. By the end, he was spent and the sheep were unnaturally quiet, trembling in shock and exhaustion.
Mulciber tucked himself away with a satisfied sigh. "Same time tomorrow, my pretties?" he said with a wink before sauntering out of the dungeon.
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