This series is currently in progress
Check back to see new scenes as I complete them!
You drag yourself out of bed, groggy and disoriented after another restless night. The dreams have been plaguing you for weeks now - always the same mysterious girl with the intense eyes. In your dreams, you watch her from afar as she goes from class to class, or walks home. But when you try to approach her, to speak to her, you always wake up in a cold sweat.
As you stumble through the halls of Hawkins High on your first day, everything feels surreal. The fluorescent lights are too bright, the lockers too loud as they slam shut. You drift from class to class in a daze, barely registering the droning voices of your teachers or the excited chatter of your classmates.
But then, as you round the corner towards the cafeteria, your heart stops.
There she is - the girl from your dreams.
She's standing at her locker, head down, wearing a blue shirt and cut-off jean shorts. Your breath catches in your throat as you stare at her in disbelief. It's impossible, and yet...
She hasn't noticed you yet. You duck behind a row of lockers, mind racing. How can she be real? How can she be here, at your school? You peek out again, half-expecting her to have vanished. But she's still there, now walking towards the cafeteria.
You follow at a distance, heart pounding. You have so many questions, but you're afraid to approach her. What if she disappears? What if it's all just a hallucination brought on by lack of sleep? You pinch yourself, hard, but she doesn't fade away.
As she enters the crowded lunchroom, you lose sight of her momentarily. Panic rises in your chest as you scan the sea of unfamiliar faces. Then you spot her again, sitting alone at a table in the corner. You take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing thoughts. Should you go talk to her? What would you even say?
You're so lost in your internal debate that you don't notice the student behind you until you collide. Your tray of food goes flying, splattering across the floor. As you scramble to clean up the mess, your cheeks burning with embarrassment, you glance up. The mysterious girl is looking right at you.
Your heart leaps into your throat as she stands up, her eyes never leaving yours. Time seems to slow as she weaves through the crowded cafeteria, heading straight for you. You clumsily try to wipe ketchup off your shirt, but only succeed in smearing it further.
"Hey," she says softly, kneeling down beside you. "Need some help?"
You open your mouth to respond, but no words come out. Up close, her presence is overwhelming. Those eyes that haunted your dreams are even more striking in person - deep and soulful, with flecks of gold around the pupils.
"I'm El," she continues, grabbing some napkins and helping you mop up the mess. "You're new here, right?"
You nod mutely, still unable to form coherent sentences. Your palms are sweating and your heart is racing. Does she recognize you from the dreams? Can she somehow sense your connection?
"First day?" El asks gently. You nod again, feeling like an idiot. She gives you a sympathetic smile. "I know how hard that can be. I was a new kid at another school not too long ago."
"I'm Adam," you finally manage to croak out. "Thanks for, uh, helping with the..." You gesture vaguely at the mess on the floor.
"No problem," El says. "First days are always tough."
You let out a nervous laugh that comes out more like a strangled hiccup. El doesn't seem to notice, or if she does, she's too polite to comment.
"So, where are you from?" she asks, helping you gather the remnants of your lunch.
"Oh, uh, Chicago," you stammer. "My dad got transferred here for work."
You're trying desperately to act normal, to have a regular conversation. But your mind is spinning with questions. How is she here? Why were you dreaming about her? Should you say something?
"Chicago, wow," El says. "That must be a big change, coming to a small town like Hawkins."
You nod vigorously, probably a little too enthusiastically. "Yeah, it's definitely... different."
There's an awkward pause as you both stand up. You rack your brain for something clever or interesting to say, but your mind is blank. El glances at the clock on the wall.
"Well, I should probably get going," she says. "But maybe I'll see you around?"
She gives you a soft, almost shy smile that makes your heart skip a beat. You want to say something - anything - to not seem like such an idiot.
"Yeah, see you around!" you blurt out, much too loudly. Several nearby students turn to stare. "I mean, uh, that would be cool. To see you. Around. Here. At school."
El's eyes crinkle with amusement. She lets out a small giggle, quickly stifling it behind her hand. Your face burns hot enough to fry an egg, but you force yourself to laugh along, trying to play it cool.
"Smooth," El teases gently. "You'll fit right in here."
As she walks away, you want to sink into the floor and disappear. But a tiny part of you is elated - you made her laugh. Sort of.
* * *
The rest of the day passes in a blur. You drift from class to class in a daze, barely registering anything the teachers say. Your mind keeps replaying that lunchroom encounter on an endless loop. You mentally kick yourself for being so awkward, then imagine witty responses you could have said instead.
In your head, you have entire conversations with El. You picture yourself being charming and funny, making her laugh for real. You imagine bonding over shared interests, becoming friends, maybe even...
The shrill ring of the final bell snaps you out of your daydreams. As you gather your things, you realize you haven't absorbed a single thing all afternoon. You'll have to borrow someone's notes later.
Your head is pounding from the stress and lack of sleep. You decide to splash some cold water on your face before heading home. Lost in thought, you push open the nearest bathroom door without looking.
Then you stop in your tracks. Your eyes widen as you take in the pink tile, the mirrors, the poster about feminine hygiene products.
Oh no. God no. You've wandered into the girls' bathroom by mistake!
Panic seizes you as you hear footsteps approaching the bathroom door. You dart into the nearest stall, slamming the door shut just as someone enters. You hold your breath, praying they won't notice anything amiss.
The newcomer is humming softly, a haunting melody that sends shivers down your spine. As they move further into the bathroom, the humming transitions into quiet singing. Your eyes widen as you recognize the voice - it's El.
Your pulse quickens, thundering in your ears. You're trapped, with no way to explain your presence if discovered. The sound of her voice, so close yet unaware of your presence, makes your skin tingle.
El's footsteps draw nearer. You watch through the crack in the stall as she passes by, her profile briefly visible. She enters the stall next to yours, the metal door clanging shut.
You hear the rustling of fabric, then the unmistakable sound of a zipper being lowered. The soft trickle of urine follows. You squeeze your eyes shut. This is wrong. You shouldn't be here, shouldn't be hearing this.
But at the same time, you can’t help but feel turned on. It reminds you of the dream, of watching her. But in the dream, you feel powerful, invincible, like you could do anything…
Suddenly you hear, "Um, hello? Is anyone there?"
You freeze, not daring to breathe.
"I hate to ask, but... could you pass some toilet paper under? There's none in here."
Your mind races. If you don't respond, she'll know something's wrong. But if you do...
With trembling fingers, you unroll some toilet paper from your stall. Holding your breath, you reach down and slide it under the partition.
"Thanks," El says gratefully.
You hear her stand, adjusting her clothing. Your heart pounding, you peer through the crack in the stall door.
She emerges from the stall. Through the narrow gap, you watch her approach the sinks. She turns on the faucet, the rush of water filling the tiled room. El pumps soap into her palm, working it into a lather as she hums that haunting melody.
After rinsing, she shakes excess water from her hands, droplets catching the fluorescent light. El reaches for her backpack, unzipping it with a metallic rasp. She rummages inside, eventually pulling out a white uniform with red stripes. You catch a glimpse of "HAWKINS HIGH SOFTBALL" emblazoned across the back as she shakes it out.
El glances briefly at the restroom door. Your breath catches as she grasps the hem of her shirt and lifts it over her head. The movement causes her hair to cascade down her back in mesmerizing waves.
She turns slightly, giving you an unobstructed view as she unhooks her bra. It falls away, revealing the gentle curves of her breasts. Your mouth goes dry at the sight of her bare skin, smooth and pale in the harsh lighting.
Suddenly, El's head snaps up, her eyes locking onto the crack in the stall door. You jerk backwards, heart leaping into your throat. Did she see you? The silence stretches on for an eternity as you hold your breath, not daring to move a muscle.
After what feels like hours, you hear the rustle of fabric as El continues changing. You remain frozen, afraid to risk another peek. Eventually, you hear the zip of her backpack, followed by retreating footsteps. The bathroom door creaks open, then swings shut with a soft thud.
You wait several more minutes, ears straining for any sound. When you're certain the coast is clear, you finally emerge from the stall on shaky legs. Your reflection in the mirror is pale and wide-eyed. As the adrenaline fades, a mix of guilt and exhilaration washes over you. You hurry from the bathroom, praying no one saw you exit.
* * *
That night, sleep eludes you. You toss and turn, sheets tangling around your legs as your mind races. Every time you close your eyes, you see El's face - her enigmatic smile in the cafeteria, her startled gaze in the bathroom mirror. Guilt and excitement war in your chest, making your heart pound.
You replay every moment of your encounters, analyzing each word, each gesture. What if you had said something different? What if she had caught you watching? The possibilities spiral endlessly, keeping you wide awake long past midnight.
When sleep finally claims you in the early hours of the morning, you slip immediately into the familiar dreamscape. The school materializes around you, but this time you recognize it as Hawkins High. The hallways are eerily empty, your footsteps echoing off the lockers.
An urgent need fills you - you have to find her. You sprint down corridors, throw open classroom doors, search every nook and cranny. But El is nowhere to be found. Panic rises in your throat as you burst out of the main entrance, eyes scanning the grounds desperately.
Then you spot her. She's sitting on a bench near the bus stop. Relief floods through you as you approach. El looks up, meeting your gaze with those mesmerizing eyes.
At school, you'd felt so nervous seeing her.
But in the dream, you feel different - confident, assured. Power thrums through your veins like electricity. You know in that moment you can do… anything.
You stand above her and feel your cock hardening.
Suddenly, it’s out, naked before her, a full 10 inches at least. She looks shocked to see it, but you feel no shame at all.
You order her to touch it.
She flinches slightly at your command, looking a bit scared.
But then, hesitantly, she reaches her hand towards you, and you feel her soft fingers curl around your cock...
You gasp as sparks of electric pleasure course through you.
She's looking at you with fearful eyes. You wonder what you look like to her. Are you Adam? Can she actually see you?
It's just a dream.
You can do anything you want.
You reach out to grab her...
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