Moana coughed up seawater as she dragged herself onto the barren shore, her fingers clawing at the coarse sand. The storm had finally subsided, but its fury had scattered their belongings across the churning waves. She looked around frantically, her heart pounding.
"Maui!" she called out hoarsely. "Maui, where are you?"
A groan came from behind a nearby rock. Moana scrambled over to find the demigod sprawled on his back, his magical fishhook just out of reach.
"Ugh, did anyone get the name of that whale that hit me?" Maui mumbled, sitting up groggily.
Moana breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived as she surveyed their desolate surroundings. The island was little more than a flat expanse of sand and rock, devoid of any vegetation or signs of life.
"This isn't good," she murmured, clutching the pearl necklace at her throat. "Maui, I think we're in real trouble this time."
The demigod's eyes widened as he took in their predicament. "Ah, coconuts," he muttered. "I think old Tangaroa might be a little upset with us."
As if in response, the waves crashed ominously against the shore.
Maui squinted at the horizon, his brow furrowing as recognition dawned. "Wait a minute... I know this place. This is Motu Iti, the Cursed Isle." He stood up, pacing anxiously along the shoreline.
"Cursed?" Moana echoed, her eyes widening.
Maui nodded grimly. "Legend says it was once a lush paradise, teeming with life. But eons ago, an ancient sorcerer cast a terrible spell, stripping it bare. Now it's nothing but sand and stone, caught in an endless cycle of desolation."
Moana scanned the barren landscape, noting the eerie absence of even the smallest blade of grass or scuttling crab. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the relentless pounding of the waves.
"But surely there must be some way off," she insisted. "Can't you transform and fly us out of here?"
Maui shook his head. "That's part of the curse. No magic works here - not even mine. And no boat can approach its shores without being dashed to pieces."
Moana's heart sank. "So we're trapped? With no food, no water, nothing?"
"Pretty much," Maui admitted, uncharacteristically subdued.
Moana paced, her mind racing. "This can't be a coincidence. Tangaroa's wrath, the storm, now this cursed island... Maui, what aren't you telling me?"
The demigod shifted uncomfortably, avoiding her gaze. "Well, you see... that pearl I gave you? It might, possibly, potentially... have belonged to someone else first."
Moana's hand flew to the necklace. "What do you mean?"
Maui sighed. "It may or may not be Tangaroa's sacred pearl."
"WHAT?!" Moana exploded. "You stole from the God of the Sea?! Are you insane?"
"I prefer to think of it as an extended borrowing," Maui protested weakly. "I just... I wanted to give you something special."
Moana's anger softened slightly at the admission, touched by the gesture despite its foolishness. "Oh, Maui," she sighed. "I appreciate the thought, but this is bad. Really bad. How are we going to fix this?"
As if in answer, a massive wave crashed against the shore, spraying them with salty mist. The pearl at Moana's throat seemed to pulse with energy.
Maui waved his hand dismissively. "Relax, princess. I've got this under control. We just need to return the pearl to Tangaroa and he'll forgive us. Easy peasy."
Moana raised an eyebrow skeptically. "That's it? Just give it back?"
"Sure!" Maui grinned, his confidence returning. "Old fish-face might be grumpy, but he's not unreasonable. Just toss that necklace into the sea, and I'm sure he'll cool off. We'll be out of here faster than you can say 'crab cakes'!"
Moana hesitated, her fingers tracing the smooth contours of the pearl. It seemed to glow faintly in the fading light, as if alive with its own inner radiance. With a deep breath, she unclasped the necklace and held it out over the churning waves.
"Here goes nothing," she muttered, and let it fall from her fingers.
The pearl hit the water with a small splash, quickly swallowed by the rolling surf. Moana and Maui watched expectantly, waiting for some sign of divine acknowledgment.
Nothing happened.
The waves continued their relentless assault on the shore. The sky remained stubbornly overcast. No mystical light, no booming voice of forgiveness, not even a friendly dolphin popping up to say hello.
Moana turned to Maui, worry etched across her face. "Um, shouldn't something have happened by now?"
Maui's grin faltered for just a moment before he pasted it back on. "Don't worry about it! These things take time, you know? Godly bureaucracy and all that. I'm sure Tangaroa's working on lifting the curse as we speak. We'll be out of here in no time!"
Day 3 dawned gray and cheerless, much like the two that had preceded it. Moana lay curled on her side in the meager shade of a rocky outcropping, her lips cracked and her stomach a hollow ache. She barely had the strength to lift her head as Maui's boisterous singing echoed across the barren landscape.
"🎵 Well, Tamatoa hasn't always been this glam... 🎵" The demigod's voice rang out as he moonwalked across the sand, seemingly oblivious to their dire situation. His immortality meant he didn't need food or water, a fact that was becoming increasingly apparent – and irritating – to Moana.
"Maui," she croaked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Please... stop singing."
Not hearing her, Maui began doing an elaborate shimmy, singing an improvised song about Tangaroa's forgiveness. But mid-dance, he noticed Moana had gone very still and quiet. He stopped, peering at her with concern.
"Hey, you okay there, princess?" he called out. But Moana didn't seem to hear him.
Frowning, Maui moved closer. Suddenly, Moana's hand shot out, weakly batting at his head. He ducked, confused.
"Ow! Hey, what gives?"
Moana continued swatting at him feebly. "You... big... dumb... demigod!" she managed between swings.
"Okay, okay! I get it, you're mad!" Maui held up his hands defensively.
"I'm not mad," Moana rasped. "I'm dying. You're immortal. I'm not."
The gravity of the situation finally seemed to sink in. Maui's jovial expression faded, replaced by genuine worry.
"Ok. This is bad." He paced anxiously, tugging at his hair. Then he paused, a conflicted look crossing his face. "Well... there is one option... I mean, I wasn't going to mention it, but..."
Moana looked up hopefully. "What? What is it?"
Maui shifted uncomfortably. "It's, uh... well... you see..." He stumbled over his words, uncharacteristically flustered.
Moana's brow furrowed as she tried to decipher his meaning. “What?”
Maui looked down at his grass skirt and waved his hand vaguely at it.
Moana furrowed her brow, looking at his skirt… then understanding dawned, her eyes widening in shock.
"Wait, are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" she asked incredulously.
Maui winced. "Look, I know it's not ideal, but demigod, uh, essence has certain... properties. It could keep you alive until we figure something else out."
Moana gaped at him, her cheeks flushing despite her weakened state. "I can't believe you're even suggesting that!"
"Hey, I'm just trying to think of solutions here!" Maui protested. "It's not like I'm thrilled about it either!"
Moana gave Maui a withering look, her eyebrows raised skeptically. "Yeah, right. Just the kind of 'solution' a guy would think up. How convenient for you."
"Hey now, I'm trying to help here!" Maui said defensively. But then a sly grin spread across his face. "Besides, you might actually like it. I am a demigod after all."
As he spoke, his grass skirt began to tent outwards, a bulge growing larger by the second. Moana's eyes widened in shock as the tip of Maui's manhood peeked out from under the woven leaves, already glistening.
She let out a horrified gasp.
But even as her face contorted with disgust, she felt a strange fascination come over her, and without even realizing it she reached out and touched the throbbing cock.
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Just as suddenly, the spell was broken, and she pulled her hand away. "By the gods, put that hideous thing away! It looks like a deformed sea cucumber!"
Maui looked wounded. "Hey now, no need to get personal!"
"I would rather be eaten alive by sharks than let that anywhere near me!" Moana said, "I can't believe you would even suggest such a thing. Disgusting! Revolting! Never, ever, ever, EVER!"
As the scorching sun beat down mercilessly, Moana weakly crawled towards where Maui sat sulking.
"M-Maui," she croaked, her voice barely audible. "I... I think I'm ready to reconsider your offer."
The demigod turned away with a huff, his muscular arms crossed. "Oh, now you want my help? I thought my 'hideous sea cucumber' disgusted you."
"Please," Moana begged. "I... I didn't mean it. I was just shocked."
Maui glanced at her, his expression still wounded. "You really hurt my feelings, you know. My manhood is a divine gift, sculpted by the gods themselves."
"Y-yes, of course," Moana stammered, desperation overriding her pride. "It's... magnificent. Truly... awe-inspiring."
A small smile tugged at Maui's lips. "Go on."
Moana swallowed hard, fighting waves of nausea. "It's... the most glorious... member I've ever seen. Like a... mighty war club. Or a... majestic... coconut tree."
Maui's grin widened. "Now that's more like it! Alright, feast your eyes!"
With a flourish, he whipped aside his grass skirt. Moana's eyes widened in horror as his manhood sprang forth, bobbing mere inches from her face. It was even more terrifying up close – veiny, glistening, and impossibly large.
"Open wide, princess!" Maui crowed triumphantly.
Moana hesitated, her survival instincts warring with her revulsion. But as another wave of hunger pains wracked her body, she screwed her eyes shut and opened her mouth.
Maui let out a whoop of delight as he guided himself between her parched lips. "Oh yeah, that's the stuff! Hey, no teeth!"
Moana gagged as the massive organ filled her mouth, fighting her reflex to bite down. The taste was indescribable – salty, musky, with hints of coconut and... was that pineapple?
As Maui's hips began to move, Moana found herself torn between disgust and a primal hunger. Her body craved sustenance, even as her mind recoiled.
She steeled herself and swallowed, taking Maui deeper. The demigod groaned in pleasure.
"That's it, just relax your throat," Maui encouraged.
Inch by inch, Moana took more until her nose pressed against Maui's abdomen. Her eyes watered and teared but she held it, desperate for nourishment.
Suddenly Maui tensed. "Oh, here it comes!" Maui cried out. "Drink deep, princess!"
A torrent of warm, thick liquid flooded Moana's throat. She gulped frantically, her belly expanding as it filled.
But soon it overflowed and spilled out of her mouth from the sheer quantity of demigod cum.
When the flow finally stopped, she pulled back with a gasp.
She looked up at him with a dazed expression.
"We will never... speak of this... again," Moana mumbled weakly before collapsing unconscious on the sand.
Maui awkwardly adjusted his skirt. "Right. Our little secret."
Moana's eyes fluttered open as the first rays of dawn painted the sky in soft hues of pink and gold. She blinked in confusion, momentarily disoriented. The aches and pains that had plagued her for days were gone, replaced by an overwhelming sense of vitality.
She sat up, marveling at how easily her body moved. Her skin seemed to glow with an inner radiance, and her hair cascaded down her back in glossy waves. Even the air felt fresher somehow, carrying hints of tropical flowers that couldn't possibly exist on this barren isle.
"Well, good morning, Sleeping Beauty!" Maui's cheerful voice rang out. He sauntered over, grinning broadly. "How ya feeling?"
Moana stretched languidly, relishing the absence of pain. "I feel... amazing, actually. Better than I have in years." She paused, frowning slightly. "How is that possible?"
Maui's grin widened. "Told ya demigod essence had some special properties! Feeling anything else?"
As he spoke, Moana became acutely aware of a tingling warmth spreading through her body. Her skin felt hypersensitive, every nerve ending singing with pleasure at the slightest touch. She found her gaze drawn to Maui's muscular form, tracing the intricate tattoos that decorated his skin.
"I... I don't know," she stammered, her cheeks flushing. "I feel strange. Almost... feverish."
Maui quirked an eyebrow. "Oh really? Anything else?"
Moana squirmed uncomfortably, trying to ignore the growing ache between her thighs.
She couldn't possibly be aroused by Maui, could she? And yet... her mind kept drifting back to yesterday's encounter, remembering not just the revulsion but also fleeting moments of pleasure.
"This is ridiculous," she muttered, shaking her head. "I must be going mad. It has to be some weird side effect."
Maui chuckled knowingly. "Sure, sure. Just a side effect. Nothing to do with my irresistible charm and godly physique."
Moana scowled at him, but found her eyes drawn to the way his grass skirt sat low on his hips. She licked her lips unconsciously, then caught herself with a start.
"You're right, it's nothing," she said quickly, scrambling to her feet. "Just a momentary lapse in judgment. Now, let's focus on finding a way off this island."
But as she brushed past Maui, she couldn't help but inhale deeply, savoring his musky scent. This was going to be a long day.
Moana tossed and turned restlessly as the first light of dawn crept across the horizon. She had barely slept, her mind and body aflame with unfamiliar sensations. Every nerve ending tingled with heightened sensitivity. Her skin felt feverishly hot, aching to be touched.
She glanced over at Maui's sleeping form, her eyes tracing the contours of his muscular body. A low growl of frustration escaped her lips. This was all his fault - his stupid pearl, his reckless plan, his infuriating demigod "essence." And yet...she couldn't deny the burning need building inside her.
Unable to resist any longer, Moana crept over to where Maui lay. She hesitated for just a moment before straddling his broad chest.
"Wake up, you overgrown beach bum," she hissed, smacking his face lightly.
Maui's eyes fluttered open, widening in surprise as he took in the sight of Moana perched atop him. A slow grin spread across his face.
"Well, good morning to you too, princess. To what do I owe this pleasure?"
Moana glared at him, fighting the urge to grind her hips against his sculpted abs. "This is all your fault," she growled. "Your stupid demigod magic has me all...all..."
"All hot and bothered?" Maui supplied helpfully, his hands coming to rest on her thighs.
Moana swatted his hands away. "Don't touch me! I'm furious with you!"
"Uh huh," Maui nodded sagely. "I can see that. So furious you just had to climb on top of me."
Moana opened her mouth to retort, but instead let out a soft moan as a particularly intense wave of desire washed over her. She rocked her hips involuntarily, relishing the friction.
"I hate you," she whimpered. "I hate you so much."
"Sure you do," Maui chuckled. He sat up slowly, keeping Moana in his lap. "Want me to stop?"
"Don't you dare," Moana breathed, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a fierce kiss.
Maui returned the kiss eagerly, his large hands roaming over her body. Moana arched into his touch, desperate for more contact. She tugged impatiently at his grass skirt.
"Wait, wait," Maui panted, pulling back slightly. "Are you sure about this? I mean, I know I'm irresistible, but..."
Moana silenced him with another bruising kiss. "Shut up and fuck me, demigod," she growled against his lips.
That was all the encouragement Maui needed. In one fluid motion, he flipped them over so Moana lay on her back.
Moana gasped, her hair fanning out across the sand as Maui's muscular form hovered above her. His cocky grin widened.
"Impressed by my moves, Curly?" he purred.
Moana rolled her eyes, even as a blush crept up her cheeks. "You wish, demigod."
But her breath caught as Maui lowered his head, trailing feather-light kisses along her neck. Her skin tingled where his lips touched. His hands roamed her body reverently, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
Moana moved with him, a soft moan escaping her lips. Maui chuckled, the sound low and rich.
"Sounds like someone's enjoying herself," he teased.
"Shut up," Moana grumbled, but there was no real heat in her words. Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer.
Their lips met in a searing kiss. Moana's world narrowed to the feel of Maui's body against hers, the taste of salt on his skin. Gentle waves lapped at the shore, their rhythm matching the cadence of their movements.
Maui's hands ghosted lower, eliciting a gasp from Moana. He paused, searching her eyes.
"Are you sure?" he asked softly, all smugness gone.
Moana nodded, pulling him down for another kiss. "I'm sure."
The head of Maui’s cock touched her wet pussy lips, making her gasp, and then, slowly, he slid inside of her.
Inch by inch, his massive cock went deeper and deeper within her, completely filling her up.
Moana's nails raked down Maui's back as he began to rock his hips in and out.
"Maui," she breathed, lost in the pleasure that was building with each thrust.
His responding groan sent shivers down her spine. "Mo," he panted, "you feel amazing."
Tension coiled low in Moana's belly. She was close, so close...
Maui must have sensed it. That insufferable smirk returned as he increased his pace.
"Come on, Curly," he growled. "Let go for me."
Moana wanted to wipe that smug look off his face. But then he shifted, hitting just the right spot, and coherent thought fled. She cried out, waves of pleasure washing over her.
Maui followed moments later with a deep groan, as cum filled Moana until it spurted out the sides.
They lay tangled together, breathing heavily. Maui nuzzled Moana's neck, pressing soft kisses to her flushed skin.
"So," he drawled, "ready for round two?"
Moana smacked his shoulder, but couldn't hold back her laughter. "You're impossible."
Maui's eyes twinkled with mirth. "You love it."
And as much as she hated to admit it, he wasn't entirely wrong.
As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow across the island, Moana paced nervously along the shoreline. Her mind raced with conflicting emotions - embarrassment warring with an undeniable hunger for more.
She glanced over at Maui, who was lounging against a rocky outcropping, idly strumming his fishhook like a ukulele. Her cheeks flushed as memories of their passionate encounter flooded back.
Taking a deep breath, Moana steeled herself and marched over to the demigod.
"Maui," she began hesitantly. "I was thinking... maybe we could... um..."
She trailed off, gesturing vaguely. Maui quirked an eyebrow, an amused smirk playing at his lips.
"Yes?" he prompted innocently.
Moana squirmed uncomfortably. "You know... do that thing again. But, uh, different."
Maui's grin widened. "Different how, exactly?"
Moana's face burned crimson. She mumbled something inaudible, refusing to meet his eyes.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" Maui cupped a hand to his ear. "Didn't quite catch it."
"In... in the other hole," Moana finally blurted out, mortified.
Maui's booming laughter echoed across the beach. Moana buried her face in her hands with a groan.
"Oh man," Maui chuckled, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes. "You are too adorable when you're all awkward and flustered."
He stood up, sauntering over to where Moana stood frozen in embarrassment. Gently, he tilted her chin up to meet his gaze.
"Hey," he said softly. "No need to be embarrassed. If that's what you want, I'm game."
Moana's eyes widened. "R-really?"
Maui's cocky grin returned. "Babe, I'm always up for a little adventure. Now, let's see what that cute butt of yours can handle."
Before Moana could protest the "cute butt" comment, Maui scooped her up in his strong arms. He carried her to a soft patch of sand, laying her down gently.
"Just relax," he murmured, trailing kisses along her neck. "I'll take good care of you."
Moana shivered in anticipation as Maui's hands roamed her body. He took his time, slowly building her arousal until she was writhing beneath him.
When he finally positioned himself at her entrance, Moana tensed instinctively. Maui paused, stroking her cheek reassuringly.
"We'll go slow," he promised.
The head of his cock pushed gently on her tightly puckered anus, and she breathed out, relaxing.
As the anus also relaxed, the pressure suddenly gave, and the tip of his cock popped inside of her.
Her eyes went wide.
The initial pressure was intense, bordering on painful. She gasped, gripping Maui's shoulders tightly.
"Shh, it's okay," Maui soothed, stroking her hair. "Just breathe."
Slowly, ever so slowly, he eased forward. Moana whimpered at the stretch, the sensation overwhelming. It seemed impossible that she could accommodate him this way.
But then, gradually, the discomfort gave way to pleasure. Moana's soft gasps turned to moans of ecstasy as Maui began to move. The new angle sent sparks of bliss shooting through her body.
"Oh gods," she breathed. "Maui!"
The demigod grinned, increasing his pace. "That's it, Mo. Let go."
Waves of pleasure crashed over Moana as the climax took her, as she felt hot gushes of cum churning in her guts.
In that moment, nothing existed beyond the two of them and the rhythmic pounding of the surf.
DAY 30
As days melted into weeks, Moana and Maui fell into a passionate routine on their island paradise. Each morning, Moana would wake Maui with eager kisses, her body craving his touch. They'd make love as the sun rose, Maui's powerful thrusts matching the rhythm of the waves.
Afternoons were spent exploring new positions and pleasures. Moana delighted in riding Maui's massive shaft, her head thrown back in ecstasy as she ground her hips against him. Other times, Maui would take her from behind, his strong hands gripping her waist as he pounded into her.
But Moana's favorite part of each day was the evening "feeding." She'd kneel before Maui, taking his length into her mouth and throat. The taste of his essence had become an addiction, filling her with vitality and desire. She gulped it down greedily, savoring every drop.
The island itself seemed to respond to their passion. Flowers began to bloom in the cracks between rocks. Fish returned to the waters around the shore. Even the weather grew milder, as if reflecting their contentment.
Then one day, as they lay tangled together on the beach, Moana spotted something on the horizon.
"Maui, look!" she cried, pointing.
A small raft was drifting towards the island. As it washed ashore, they saw it was sturdy enough to carry them both.
"I guess it's time to go," Maui said with a wistful smile.
Moana nodded, feeling a pang of sadness. Part of her would miss their idyllic time together.
As they prepared to leave, Maui excused himself. "Just need to, uh, check something real quick," he said, ducking behind some tall rocks.
Maui ducked behind the tall rocks, glancing back to make sure Moana wasn't following. Waiting for him there was the shimmering form of Tangaroa, God of the Sea. His body rippled like sunlight on water, his eyes gleaming with ancient wisdom.
"Fish Face! My main deity!" Maui greeted him with an enthusiastic high five. "How's it hanging in the briny deep?"
Tangaroa's expression remained impassive, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice. "Maui. I see your irreverence remains intact. Fortunately for you I am feeling forgiving today. It was amusing for me to see how well your plan worked with the girl.”
Maui grinned at this. "I knew she could love me on her own. She just needed a little... extra help to see it."
“I’m not sure using a magic pearl and demigod essence quite counts as ‘on her own’, but what’s done is done. And you now owe me a favor in return.”
“Tango - my man - you know I’m good for it! You name it, I’m there to help you.” Maui said, before running his hand through his wild mane of hair, suddenly looking uncharacteristically nervous.
"But listen, Tangaroa... there's something I wanted to talk to you about," he began hesitantly.
The sea god raised an eyebrow, sensing the shift in tone. "Oh? What's on your mind, old friend?"
Maui took a deep breath. "It's about Moana. This… this wasn’t just me fooling around. Not this time. This girl, she's different. Special."
Tangaroa's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
Maui nodded solemnly. "I want to settle down. For good this time. With her."
The sea god whistled low. "That's quite a change of heart for you, trickster. But what about her mortality? You know as well as I do that humans aren't meant to live forever."
"That's... actually what I wanted to talk to you about," Maui said, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "Is there any way... I mean, would it be possible to..."
"To make her immortal?" Tangaroa finished for him.
Maui nodded, hope shining in his eyes.
The sea god stroked his chin thoughtfully, his gaze distant as he considered the request. The fate of a mortal was not something to be altered lightly. And yet, he had seen the way Maui looked at Moana, the tenderness in his touch. It was unlike anything he'd witnessed in millennia of observing the demigod's exploits.
"It is possible," Tangaroa said at last, his voice resonating with the power of crashing waves and the whisper of sea foam. "But the price would be great, and the path fraught with peril."
Maui's heart leapt with hope. "Name it. Whatever it takes, I'll do it."
The sea god's gaze softened, a hint of fondness creeping into his expression. "You would have to sacrifice a portion of your own immortality, Maui. The very essence that makes you a demigod would be diminished, shared between you and Moana. You would still be long-lived, but no longer invulnerable. Are you prepared for that?"
Maui didn't hesitate. "In a heartbeat."
Tangaroa nodded, a small smile playing at his lips. "I thought you might say that. But that is only the beginning. To prove yourselves worthy of such a gift, you and Moana must complete a series of epic challenges. Only then can the transformation be completed."
"Challenges?" Maui grinned, cracking his knuckles. "Now you're speaking my language. Bring 'em on!"
The sea god chuckled, a sound like waves lapping at a distant shore. "Your enthusiasm is admirable, old friend. But these trials will test more than just your strength and cunning. They will probe the very depths of your bond with Moana, the resilience of your love in the face of adversity."
As he spoke, the air around them began to shimmer and swirl, coalescing into vivid images. Maui saw flashes of treacherous seas, towering mountains wreathed in storm clouds, and labyrinthine caves that seemed to defy the laws of physics. Each vision was more daunting than the last, hinting at the magnitude of the challenges that lay ahead.
But through it all, one image remained constant - Moana, her eyes blazing with determination, standing by his side. Maui felt a warmth bloom in his chest, a certainty that with her, he could face any obstacle.
"I accept," Maui said solemnly. "Whatever you throw at us, we'll overcome it. Together."
Tangaroa's smile widened, a hint of pride glimmering in his otherworldly eyes. "Then it shall be done. Return to Moana, and prepare yourselves for the journey ahead."
The sea god's form began to shimmer and fade, and as Tangaroa vanished completely, his parting words hung in the air:
"Good luck, old friend. You're going to need it…"
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