Sex Education

Featuring: Georgia & Ginny (18+)

Special thanks at Spartan for this commission!

Ginny sprawled across her bed, scrolling mindlessly through her phone. The late afternoon sun filtered through her curtains, casting a warm glow on her face as she alternated between checking her social media feeds and texting her friends. Her room was a cozy chaos of books, clothes, and mementos from her tumultuous high school years.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Georgia's perfectly coiffed blonde head poked in. "Hey, Peach," she chirped, her Southern drawl as thick as honey. "You up for trying that new Chinese place downtown? I hear their dumplings are to die for."

Without looking up from her phone, Ginny replied flatly, "No, I've got plans."

Georgia's eyebrows shot up, a mix of curiosity and mild offense flickering across her face. She sauntered into the room, perching on the edge of Ginny's bed. "Plans? On a Tuesday night? Care to share with your dear old mom?"

Ginny sighed, finally tearing her eyes away from her screen. "It's nothing, really. Just... hanging out."

"Hanging out?" Georgia pressed, her voice lilting with suspicion. "With who? Marcus? Abby? The whole MANG crew?"

Ginny fidgeted with her phone case, avoiding her mother's piercing gaze. "Actually... it's with Nathan."

Georgia's eyes rolled so hard they nearly disappeared into her skull. "Nathan? Again? Honestly, Ginny, I don't know what you see in that boy. He's about as exciting as watching paint dry."

"Mom!" Ginny protested, sitting up. "He's not that bad. He's... nice."

"Nice is what you call your grandmother's embroidered pillows, not a potential boyfriend," Georgia retorted, standing up and smoothing her skirt.

Ginny glanced at her phone again, her eyes widening as she saw the time. "Crap! I'm late!" She leaped off the bed, nearly knocking Georgia over in her haste. "I gotta shower!"

As Ginny dashed towards the bathroom, Georgia called after her, "Just remember, honey, you deserve someone who makes your heart race, not someone who makes you wish you had a pacemaker!"

The bathroom door slammed shut, leaving Georgia alone in Ginny's room, shaking her head and wondering where she went wrong in raising a daughter who would willingly spend time with someone as dull as Nathan.

Georgia stood in the middle of Ginny's room, her eyes darting between the closed bathroom door and the abandoned phone on the bed. The device seemed to taunt her, its screen still illuminated, beckoning her with the promise of secrets. She could hear the shower running, water droplets hitting the tub in a steady rhythm that matched her quickening heartbeat.

"I shouldn't," she muttered to herself, even as her manicured fingers twitched with the urge to grab the phone. "It's an invasion of privacy. It's wrong. It's..." Her voice trailed off as she found herself already reaching for the device, her conscience waging a losing battle against her insatiable curiosity.

The moment her fingers closed around the smooth, cool surface of the phone, Georgia felt a mixture of guilt and exhilaration. She glanced furtively at the bathroom door once more before swiping through Ginny's messages. Her eyes widened, jaw dropping as she stumbled upon a series of nude photos her daughter had sent to Nathan.

Selfie 1
Selfie 2
Ginny Selfie 1
Ginny Selfie 2

"Oh my Lord," Georgia whispered, her Southern accent thickening with shock. The images were tasteful, artistic even, but they were undeniably explicit. She felt a confusing mixture of pride at her daughter's confidence and horror at the risks she was taking.

Lost in her tumultuous thoughts, Georgia didn't hear the shower stop or the bathroom door open. It wasn't until Ginny's voice cut through the silence that she realized she'd been caught red-handed.

"Mom! What the hell are you doing?" Ginny shrieked, clutching her towel tighter around her body.

Georgia's head snapped up, guilt written all over her face. "Ginny, I... I can explain."

"Explain? Explain how you're going through my private messages?" Ginny's voice rose, anger and embarrassment coloring her cheeks. "That's a total violation of my privacy!"

Georgia's own temper flared. "Well, maybe if you weren't sending nude pictures to boys, I wouldn't have to worry about your privacy!"

The two women glared at each other, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife. Ginny's chest heaved with indignation, while Georgia's fingers tightened around the incriminating phone.

"I'm eighteen, Mom. I can do what I want with my body," Ginny spat.

Georgia's eyes narrowed. "Are you having sex with him?" she demanded, her voice low and intense.

Ginny squirmed under her mother's piercing gaze, her evasiveness speaking volumes. "That's... that's none of your business," she stammered.

To Ginny's utter shock, Georgia's stern expression melted into a sly smile. "Well, is he any good?" she asked, her tone suddenly conspiratorial.

The unexpected question caught Ginny completely off guard. She stared at her mother, mouth agape, utterly flabbergasted. "Ew! Gross! Mom, that's... ugh!"

Georgia couldn't help but laugh at Ginny's reaction, the tension in the room dissipating. "What? I'm just asking! If you're going to be doing adult things, we might as well talk about them like adults."

Ginny's face contorted into a mixture of disgust and embarrassment. "Mom, that's a hard no. Please, just leave. I need to get ready."

Georgia raised her hands in mock surrender, backing towards the door. "Alright, alright. I'm going. But remember, if you ever want to talk..."

"Out!" Ginny practically shrieked, pointing at the door.

Georgia chuckled as she left, closing the door behind her. Ginny let out a long breath, her shoulders sagging with relief. She turned to her closet, rifling through hangers to find the perfect outfit for her date with Nathan.

Suddenly, the door burst open again, and Georgia's head popped back in, causing Ginny to jump and let out a startled yelp.

"Mom!" Ginny exclaimed, clutching her towel tighter.

Georgia's eyes twinkled with mischief. "He's no good, is he? I can tell."

Ginny's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, her cheeks burning bright red. "I... what... how..."

"Oh, honey," Georgia drawled, stepping fully into the room. "A mother always knows. Plus, you've got that look. The 'I'm settling for mediocre because I don't know any better' look."

"I do not!" Ginny protested, but her voice lacked conviction.

Georgia perched on the edge of the bed, patting the spot next to her. Ginny hesitated for a moment before sitting down, careful to keep her towel in place.

"Look, Peach," Georgia began, her voice softening. "You're a beautiful, intelligent young woman. You deserve someone who makes you feel like the goddess you are."

Ginny rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Mom, please don't say 'goddess.' It's weird coming from you."

Georgia laughed, nudging Ginny with her shoulder. "Fine, fine. But seriously, you need to train your man to please you. I'm just saying, if you need any tips, I'm here for you."

"Ew, gross!" Ginny exclaimed, jumping up from the bed. "That's it. Out. Now. Before I lose my appetite for dinner."

Georgia stood up, grinning wickedly. "Alright, I'm going. But remember, a little guidance goes a long way. Don't be afraid to take charge in the bedroom."

"Oh my God, Mom!" Ginny groaned, covering her face with her hands. "Please stop talking. Forever."

With a final wink, Georgia sashayed out of the room, leaving Ginny alone with her mortification and a newfound determination to prove her mother wrong about Nathan.

*     *     *

Later that night

Georgia lounged on her plush king-sized bed, engrossed in her latest bodice-ripper romance novel. The soft glow of her bedside lamp cast a warm, intimate light across the pages as her eyes devoured the steamy words. She was just getting to the good part - the dashing pirate captain had the feisty noblewoman pinned against the mast of his ship - when she heard the front door open and close.

Ginny was home.

Georgia's ears perked up, listening intently as her daughter's footsteps padded up the stairs. The shower turned on, and Georgia couldn't help but wonder how the date had gone. Part of her itched to march into Ginny's room and demand all the juicy details. But no, she told herself firmly. Let Ginny come to her. She was an adult now, after all.

Twenty agonizing minutes crawled by. Georgia tried to focus on her book, but her mind kept drifting to what might have transpired between Ginny and Nathan. Finally, she heard Ginny's bedroom door open. There was a pause, then soft footsteps approached Georgia's room. A gentle knock.

Georgia's lips curled into a knowing smile. "Come in, Peach," she called out, setting her book aside.

Ginny shuffled in, looking defeated. Her damp hair hung limply around her shoulders, and she was wearing her comfiest pajamas - never a good sign after a date.

"So..." Georgia drawled, patting the bed beside her. "How'd it go?"

Ginny flopped onto the bed with a dramatic sigh. "Ugh. It was a total debacle."

Georgia bit her lip, trying desperately not to say 'I told you so.' Instead, she stroked Ginny's hair soothingly. "Oh honey, I'm sorry. What happened?"

Ginny buried her face in a pillow, her voice muffled as she spoke. "It was just... awful. Awkward. Uncomfortable."

"Was it... your first time?" Georgia asked gently.

Ginny's head snapped up, her cheeks flaming. "No! God, Mom. We've done stuff before. It's just... this time..." She trailed off, looking mortified.

Georgia leaned in, curiosity burning in her eyes. "Go on, Peach. You can tell me anything."

Ginny took a deep breath. "Okay, so... he tried to go down on me."

Georgia's eyebrows shot up. "And?"

"And it was like he was trying to eat an ice cream cone. With his entire face." Ginny grimaced at the memory. "There was so much... slurping."

Georgia pressed her lips together, suppressing a laugh. "Oh dear."

"That's not even the worst part," Ginny groaned. "When we finally got to the main event, it was over in like ten seconds.”

Georgia's heart melted at the sight of her daughter's crestfallen expression. She pulled Ginny into a tight hug, stroking her hair. "Oh, Peach. I'm so sorry. That sounds absolutely dreadful."

Ginny sniffled, her voice small. "It was. And now I'm just... I don't know. Frustrated? Disappointed? And still so..."

"Horny?" Georgia finished, her tone matter-of-fact.

Ginny nodded miserably, burying her face in her mother's shoulder.

Georgia patted her back, then suddenly sat up straight, her eyes sparkling with determination. "You know what? This calls for wine and cake."

Ginny looked up, confused. "What? But I'm not old enough to-"

"Normally, you shouldn't drink," Georgia interrupted, already rising from the bed. "But we'll make an exception tonight. This is a wine and cake emergency if I've ever seen one."

Before Ginny could protest further, Georgia had disappeared downstairs. She returned moments later, balancing a tray with a bottle of red wine, two glasses, and a decadent chocolate cake.

"Scoot over," Georgia commanded, settling back onto the bed. She poured two generous glasses of wine and cut thick slices of cake, handing one of each to Ginny.

Ginny took a tentative sip of wine, her nose wrinkling slightly at the unfamiliar taste. "So... is this how you deal with bad sex? Wine and cake?"

Georgia laughed, taking a hearty gulp from her own glass. "Sometimes. But mostly, I just chalk it up to experience and move on to better prospects."

As they nibbled on cake and sipped wine, Georgia regaled Ginny with tales of her own romantic misadventures. She told her about the guy who insisted on calling her mommy, the one who kept his socks on the entire time, and the memorable evening that ended with a trip to the ER after an ill-advised attempt at roleplay.

Ginny found herself laughing despite her earlier disappointment, the wine warming her from the inside out. "Mom, how do you have so many crazy stories?"

Georgia winked, refilling their glasses. "Life's an adventure, Peach. You gotta kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. Or princess. Or non-binary royalty."

As they finished the bottle, their giggles grew louder and their inhibitions looser. Georgia was in the middle of a particularly raunchy story when she casually mentioned, "And then, boom! Multiple orgasms. I swear, that man had a magical tongue."

Ginny nearly choked on her wine. "Wait, what? Multiple orgasms? That's a real thing?"

Georgia's eyes widened in disbelief. "Of course it's real! Oh, honey. You've been missing out."

"But... how?" Ginny.

Georgia flashed Ginny a sly look. "Well, I could show you," she said, an impish glint in her eye.

Ginny's jaw dropped. "Ew, gross, Mom!" she spluttered, face flushing scarlet.

Georgia laughed, waving her hand dismissively. "I was joking! I mean, not that I haven't been tempted to educate some of your boyfriends, but never mind that." She took another sip of wine, but not before Ginny caught the spark of mischief in her eyes.

Ginny felt her cheeks burn even hotter as she sipped her own wine, trying to block out the mental image her mother had just conjured up. She tried to focus on the TV screen in front of her, willing herself to think about anything other than what Georgia had just suggested.

But as the minutes ticked by, her curiosity refused to subside. The more she thought about it, the more the idea seemed not totally crazy. Maybe it wouldn't hurt just to know how it was supposed to be done right? And who better to learn from than her own mother?

She took another large gulp of wine, emboldened by the alcohol coursing through her veins. "Wait a minute," she hiccuped. "You were kidding... weren't you?"

Georgia turned to her with feigned innocence. "Kidding about what?"

"You know what!" Ginny groaned, averting her gaze. "Showing me... 'how it's done.'"

Georgia's eyes widened playfully as she leaned in closer to Ginny. "Why, Peach, are you actually considering taking your dear old mom up on her offer?" She winked and took another sip of wine. "I'm flattered, but isn't that a bit... taboo?"

Ginny squirmed, equal parts embarrassed and intrigued. "I mean... it's not like it would be real, right? It's just, like... educational."

"Oh, it would be very educational," Georgia purred. She traced the rim of her wine glass with her finger. "But are you sure you can handle it? It might be more intense than you're ready for."

Ginny's breath quickened. "I can handle it," she insisted.

Georgia raised an eyebrow. "Well then. Who am I to deny my daughter some much-needed knowledge?" She set down her glass. "Alright, Peach. I'll show you. You can thank me later."

Georgia got up and slipped off her silky robe, revealing her completely naked body underneath.

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Hot mama...

Ginny gaped at her mother's body for a moment too long before she realized she was staring. "Gah! I mean... OK." She fumbled with the drawstring of her pajama pants, yanking them down along with her panties in one swift motion. Her cheeks burned as she awkwardly tugged her clothes over her thighs, conscious of her less-than-perfect figure beside Georgia's airbrushed perfection.

Georgia climbed onto the bed, propping herself up on one elbow as she casually spread Ginny's legs apart with a practiced hand. "Alright, Peach. Lesson number one: anatomy lesson."

Using one manicured nail, she lightly traced the outline of Ginny's vulva. "First up, we have the labia majora," she said, indicating the outer folds of skin. "And nestled inside are the labia minora."

Ginny covered her face with a hand, mortified but unable to look away from the mesmerizing movement of Georgia's fingers. "Mom! I know my lady bits!"

"Do you now?" Georgia purred, cupping Ginny's mons and rubbing gently in circles. "Then point out your clitoris for me."

Ginny's cheeks flushed crimson as she gestured vaguely between her legs. "It's... it's right here," she stammered.

Georgia quirked an eyebrow. "You mean here?" she asked innocently, her breath hot against Ginny's most sensitive area. Before Ginny could respond, Georgia's tongue darted out, softly licking her daughter's clitoris.

Ginny gasped, her hips jerking involuntarily. "Oh!" she cried out, shocked by the jolt of pleasure.

Georgia's lips closed around the sensitive bud, sucking gently as her tongue flicked back and forth. Ginny's eyes fluttered closed, overwhelmed by the new sensations. Her mother's ministrations were nothing like Nathan's clumsy attempts - this was precise, deliberate, exquisite torture.

Mom eats me out 1
Mom eats me out 2
Mom eats me out 3

"Mom," Ginny whimpered, her fingers tangling in Georgia's silky blonde hair.

Georgia hummed in response, the vibrations sending shivers up Ginny's spine. She alternated between broad, flat strokes of her tongue and quick flicks against Ginny's clit, building a delicious tension in her daughter's core.

Just as Ginny thought she couldn't take any more, Georgia slipped two fingers inside her, curling them upwards. Ginny cried out as her mother's fingers found a spot that made her see stars.

"That's your G-spot, sugar," Georgia murmured, her voice husky with arousal. She continued her relentless assault, fingers pumping in and out as her tongue worked magic on Ginny's clit.

The dual stimulation was too much. Ginny felt herself teetering on the edge of something monumental. Her thighs began to tremble, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps.

"Mom, I think I'm gonna-" Ginny's words were cut off by a scream of ecstasy as an earth-shattering orgasm crashed over her. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body, leaving her breathless and shaking.

Before she could fully recover, another orgasm built rapidly, cresting even higher than the first. Ginny wailed, her back arching off the bed as she came again, and again, and again.

Finally, overwhelmed by the intensity, Ginny weakly pushed at her mother's head. "Stop," she panted. "No more. I can't... I can't take it."

Georgia pulled away, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as she grinned up at her daughter. "And that, my dear, is how it's done."

Ginny collapsed back onto the pillows, utterly spent and more satisfied than she'd ever been in her life. As sleep began to claim her, she dimly registered her mother pulling the covers over her naked body and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Peach," Georgia said, before crawling into bed next to her.

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